
Yea - not a bad idea to get it out there. It would certainly give us a larger audience. But it's not my call - Pedro? Quarto? what do you think?
Sure, exposure is good. In fact, I think this has been suggested before, but we're lazy :p.
Well there is one problem:
Fileplanet charges money for personal servers or for doing a CD delivery. Given the copyright situation personally I'd not submit it.
This would actually be the same then us selling CDs with UE on it...
But then I am a paranoid guy ;)
Normal people just download from fileplanet... I don't think I've ever talked to a single person who's had a CD delivered or paid for the premium servers. It'd be advertising, basically.
You'd be surprised...

As far as premium servers go, they really just charge you for the bandwidth. I'm sure they already host all kinds of mods. I think that part of the submission process involves getting them to approve your file, so if you explain what UE is, they can make the call.
If they charge flat fees for bandwidth and the service of burning CDs, I'm not sure it would be that much of a problem.
I pay 1 time for a CD on FilePlanet, I did it caus e the file was so large and I didn{t have cable internet yet only 33.6 modem, so the Service was good, and Quarto/Pedro I was the One how told you up uoload the files there adn you told me that you were going to do tha wend the 1.1 patch was release
You can filter the underdogs all you want, but they are not a warez site. Actually, they responded to the IDSA cease and desist letter, accepted their terms, and the IDSA did not seek legal action. It's more of a museum; it's very different from the places where you can get the latest games sometimes even before they reach the stores. Remember even Lord British had something positive to say about abandonware. :)
The CIC really cannot afford to be supportive of abandonware, since legally there is no distinction between abandonware and warez sites (which are piracy sites, pure and simple). I'm sure many of the people who come to these forums support the idea of abandonware, but that's irrelevant - the CIC was established with support from, and maintains relations with Origin.
Originally posted by Delance
It's more of a museum; it's very different from the places where you can get the latest games sometimes even before they reach the stores. Remember even Lord British had something positive to say about abandonware. :)

Well that would be the term abandonware. Of course such sites only warez what is abandoned in their view.

Doesn't make it any more legal. Most games are just still there because the companies didn't bother to complain because they know that would be pretty useless.

If a company wants to make their games free they may do so. In fact if you look at that very specific abandonware site you'll see that quite some programs have been released to be free. But if the companies don't want it it is their right as well!

But I have to agree, the dogs seem to be a more honest bunch then most.
Originally posted by TC
Normal people just download from fileplanet... I don't think I've ever talked to a single person who's had a CD delivered or paid for the premium servers. It'd be advertising, basically.

I actually know a bunch of people who use pay for IGN/GameSpot. This is different of course.. but I did have access to a dedicated server when they first released 3dmark 2003 for example.