Sonic TH said:
Me either but that's what I did the first time I played Privateer, don't think I could do that anymore unless someone put a gun to my head.
I didn't know the sidewinder was discontinued... figures oh well I can go back to liking MS only for their mouse now but if my current joy breaks I might have to use a keyboard. Seitek? Makes some nice feeling sticks but they have always proven unstable for me, same for logitech, plus logitech didn't have the software to adjust the range of each axis which is critical, they are always too senative for me. They were good mice back in the day but that day has passed.
Anyway I better stop getting off-topic, sorry.
I think you guys just always get me wrong in this topic.
Maybe I am unable to describe what I really mean.
About the Keyboard control I mean that IN the Game.So the Picture you see above shows that the Tarsus was controlld by Keyboad not by a Stick like a Fighter.
It is just a funny detail that the Palyer himself is also playing by Keyboard.
I just condidered if you redesign such a cockpit by puting a Stick somwhere at the cockpit-controls. At least it is Wing Commande not Star Trek where it's normal to control a Ship with a "Touchpannel"("Future Keyboard").
Just ti get me right guys:
If I like a game and I have the Chance to say my opinion in intention to improve the game. I do it.

So if I don't like a game I give a damn about the Features and how the game will look like.
But to give you better Idea what I mean. I try to describe it more in Pictures.
If wen talk about"cockpitdesign". I talk about different sides of it.
Sofor example the front-view of this one:
Looks real real nice. Just how a Wing Commander cockpit should look like.
Then we have other views:
Are not looking bad. Looks futiristic and placed symetric. But for me it gives you just the feeling that all that lights, little displays and "plates" are just there just to be there that the player doesn t have to look on a "empty wall".
Yes, of course, that's was textures and all that stuff is about. But i talk about the feeling, when you are with your mind in the game.
So I don't mean a redesign form square one, I just mean to otherthink some detail s an "Eye-Candys"
Anyway, hope you understand my opinion and suggestions a little more.