Features that would have enhanced the WC games

Originally posted by Talyn 83
My lord does not need help. I am simply defending his honour in his absence (and thus the honour of our clan, our race and my own):)

Mekt.....Lord.....Liege....Honor......what´s going on, don´t forget to
take your pills
Mekt's the original Kilrathi, so I owe him some respect for that.:D
It's like we're the knights of the round table (not the monty python variant, guys), and he's king arthur. He just came up with the idea. That's what I mean by those names.

BTW: does anyone else think we Kilrathi should get different ranks?:)
So it's only natural I should call him sir or something like that.
Only Sir translated in Kilrathi-english becomes: my liege, my lord,etc.
Talyn: I am not an allmighty Kilrathi, just a loyal servant to the Emperor. Be loyal and competent and you can fight for the Empire of Kilrah, like Raptor and I do.
Man, am I tired...

Someone... actually thought an idea of mine... was... good...??

Hey, wait! Of course someone thought it was good! I'm the Maniac! All my ideas are good!

Thanks, Talyn :D
The fact that he says it is scary. The fact that he seems to believe it is far worse. ;)
Hmmm, Kilrathi Emperor?

Thats weird, I thought I killed that ass with my Projectile sniper rifle today:-( oh well, all Kilrathi look alike to me
Originally posted by Ghost
Zor,Fishbone,Supdon,mpanty,RATM,Wedge and me against Mekt Raptor,Lehah,Stormin and a bunch of other Kilrathis

i would agree to that, just for the pleasure of whupping you :p