Features that would have enhanced the WC games

But i think that a WC game with Co-op mode will greatly benefit the community, imagine this:
Zor,Fishbone,Supdon,mpanty,RATM,Wedge and me against Mekt Raptor,Lehah,Stormin and a bunch of other Kilrathis
And the game also can support small arenas for deathmatch MP.
Woha, the poke-tank. i remember that and his other poke-weapons, but someone must fly for the Kilrathi, if not it will be very easy :p
Eh, in your list the Terrans already have the superiortity of numbers (but that's it). Raptor and I, we could take you all on since we have the will of a warrior. :D
To Make it More Interesting

Well, why not, instead of confined arenas, use the "level," concept differently? Every arena could be limitless in size (or we could use the "limited but boundless," theory where, after so long, you end up where you started). The difference could be the amount of cap ship support you get? Say, one arena is strictly transports racing to get to the jump point- destroy the opposing force's escorts and win the day. Another could be two carriers parallel, going at it swashbuckler style and it's a race to defend your carrier and destroy the enemy's. Another could be entire fleets in the arena, vying for the gold.

Imagine the depth? Having to dodge cap ship fire and your human adversary? Maybe it could even go so far as to be like Tribes ][ or Operation Flashpoint, where you could pick a role (pilot, gunner, ship captain) and have grand epic battle?

Just wishful thinking, though....

Of course, myself in a Ferret could breeze through all that easily :cool:
Oh Yes

But of course, the Hellcat V is my aircraft!

I simply said Ferret to further illustrate my superb combat skills. If you'd like, I could opt for the Epee....


... and the Hellcat V is the best!!

But the fun thing is that Maniac is the 14th Ace in the TC history, but you Col.Dom how many kills have to support your words? :p
To get back to the original question, I have played with ideas that concern Privateer, since that's the WC game I enjoyed most.

First of all, it would be nice if you could broadcast a distress signal, and depending on the system you're in, it could attract merchants, pirates, Kilrathi, confeds or militia, and depending on your alignment, they could either help you or join in trying to destroy you.

As other have said before about Privateer, getting a Kilrathi ship would be nice. Maybe you could help them in destroying the Perry Naval Station?

And this is not exactly an enhancement, but another expansion pack for Privateer would be great. My idea for that would be that the Steltek return after they notice that there has been a significant increase in use of Steltek technology in the Gemini sector.
An online WC would be great. I like Col.Dom's idea too. Set up a real world online. The only problem would be that in the end it would just get too big.

BTW: I would fight on the Kilrathi side too. They are noble warriors. My liege (yes, you mekt), I beseech thee. Acknowledge my Kilrathi warrior-spirit, and grant me the honor of fighting along my brethren.
It wasn't a temper tantrum (nice alliteration, BTW:D ), I just forgot the insults thread got shut down, that's all. I'm all beter now. Got some sleep the last couple o' days. Besides, I was only defending the Kilrathi Honor in absence of my Lord, the all-mighty Mekt. :)
My lord does not need help. I am simply defending his honour in his absence (and thus the honour of our clan, our race and my own):)

But don't you agree that a mp-game as Col.Dom proposed it would be great? Got any more idea (after all they will close this thread if we let it degenerate too much).:D
I wouldn't like a solely MP WC-game if I had to pay for it; But of course, if it was part of a new WC-offline game, I'd pay real money for it.