FC 1.5 Status

Interesting how the whole people in room thing is going to work. :) Now if only I had a 3d animator to write animation scripts for. :( Oh well, I'll be using fiction for the most part anyway. :p
Hey eddie, I know that if the script control is set to true, then automatic multiple waves are disabled. Is there a way to cause a wave set up in editor to be activated with full script control on or do I have to individually spawn new ships?
*can I answer this one teach* :p

When its done, it will be released. As they say in the biz. The fan project biz that is.

I say, though, probably 1 week to about maybe a month (could be longer or way shorter, I have no idea). So when its done is the best answer. :D
Hehe, funny you should ask. Alright here's a more detailed update as of now.

  • Player controlled turrets are done. However, I only added them to the devastator, I wanted to add a few more to other ships too.
  • Scripted gameflow is in, and you can read the docs
  • 1.5 would be feature complete from a code point of view now BUT...
  • You guys requested that briefings be scriptable. This is going to delay the release, but I think everyone wants more briefing flexibility.
Well now, I can wait for the briefing, :) but what I really need is the gameflow editing. Make a beta release??? Open beta that is. :p