Alright, I've figured out another way to basically do the same thing. I'm going to use Ship_setShieldsAll(string shipid, float percentage) to determine if a ship gets shot.
Whats the difference between: float Ship_getHitPoints(string shipid)
And: int Ship_getArmor(string shipid, int region)
Or: int Ship_getShields(string shipid, int region)
Does HitPoints only refer to Armor as a whole without a region?
Ideas for Future Reference
Ship_setOrientation(string shipid, float rx, float ry, float rz);
float Ship_getSpeed(string shipid)
Ship_setDesiredVelocity(string shipid, float percentage)
I'm looking as having gravity around a large object, so when the player slows down the orientation of the ship drops and velocity increases. Mmmm.
Any collision damage option or a way to determine if you hit something?