Favorite Television Show

What Is Your Favorite Television Show?


    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • Law & Order

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Seinfeld

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Saturday Night Live

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mad TV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Man Show

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • South Park

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • ER

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friends

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • The Osbornes

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Wing Commander Academy!

    Votes: 14 35.0%
  • Major Dad

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by pygmypiranha
I hate DBZ.

WOW!!! I've managed to find the single other person on the entire face of the Earth who doesn't like DBZ!!!!!!! I was convinced I was the only one!!!!

My freinds always like, drool when it comes on and whenever we're doing something we have to drop it to go watch DBZ. And then i'm always sitting there like "What the hell is this crap?!"
Originally posted by Ladiesman^
WOW!!! I've managed to find the single other person on the entire face of the Earth who doesn't like DBZ!!!!!!! I was convinced I was the only one!!!!

DBZ is the biggest pile of crap ever to make it to the television.
I can't say I like DBZ either, though I've never been much of a fan of anime. Especially ugly anime - which is what DBZ is.
I thought the last episode was fantastic, for once the americans weren't afraid to kill of an innocent main character (rare occurance, and in Titanic most people cheered on Leonardo DiCaprios death), there was plenty of action and lots of unanswered questions leaving you hungering for them answers in the second season.

I am assume you mean Teri (as I was talking about an innocent) shes dead, they made an alternative ending where she survived but the writers eventually got their way and they ran with her death (and since Jacks new love intrest for season 2 has already been cast and the fact she was stone cold, there were flash backs etc etc etc).

Nina however was just bleeding and I have no doubt will play an important role in season 2.
So Teri definitely died :(
I think that the new seasson will happen in Germany, searching for Nina´s boss.
Yep Teri definatley died, what we know about the new series thus far are two parts and the fact that it probably won't be in real time (that bit of news came from the british TV guide Radio times, although the Season 2 preview on the DVD box set does seem to hint that it will be real time so I don't know :P)
While I think Nina will be an issue something tells me the crisis will come to CTU rather than them looking for it.
Originally posted by Dralthi5
Is anyone else fucking sick of the goddamn Osbournes?

If people's lives are so bankrupt that they have to sit around watching someone famous try to figure out how to use a damn remote, we are in a sad state of affairs indeed.
Between working two jobs, my wife, and my wing commander... Who has time for TV? And as this thread clearly points out, what's on worth watching anyway? I prefer REALITY living to REALITY programming. And to excape reality I fry some Kilrathi... What more does one need?