Naféasonto said:Excellent movie. Since you guys keep merging the Posts because you obviously have no argument against Michael Moore. Instead of merging posts, why don't you actually fight back with intelligence.
Naféasonto said:Excellent movie. Since you guys keep merging the Posts because you obviously have no argument against Michael Moore. Instead of merging posts, why don't you actually fight back with intelligence.
Shipgate said:This is becoming a forum where if you say things the administrators don't approve of, you'll be either demoted or banned. Or they may even do it just because it's their perogative.
HalcyonY2K said:HERE'S A COPY OF THE REPORT FROM WND---------The company distributing filmmaker Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" says it won't reject an offer of help from Middle East terrorist organization Hezbollah. As WorldNetDaily reported, terrorists affiliated with the Iran-backed network last week offered to help promote the film in the United Arab Emirates. .
HalcyonY2K said:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thing there is any credibility to bowling for columbine? For any of you who believe that trash you are the type of person who likes to jump on the bandwagon and believe whatever others tell you without researching it for yourself aka Iceman.
Filler said:There's no first amendment where I come from.
Filler said:The internet isn't American, it's international.
Filler said:There's no first amendment where I come from. The internet isn't American, it's international.
From what I've read, Micheal Moore made the films in America about America and its policy (with a detour to Canada), therefore he was exercising his 1st amendment rights as an American) to say/film whatever the hell he wants about/in America. Then I made the mistake of leaving the 'reading between the lines' of a generalization to the internet commuities 'capable' hands. Universal assumption - you can say whatever you want to on the internet, no matter how inflamitory, inciteful, or downright stupid, without reprecussions. That pretty much falls under first amendment rights for Americans, I have no idea what the equivalent legal-ese is for other nations, but apparently its there in some form or fashion since you are here bitching about me making the generalization. Apparently everybody recognized what the first amendment is and what the intention behind the statement was, since I was subsequently beat over the head with it. So you got my point and now just want to be asses. Enjoy more dinosaurs.Iceman16 said:and there is none in canada either, but since the 1st amendment that viper61is talking about is american, they figure that the whole world has the same constitution.
Exactly, but americans dont understand that. they figure that since its in america then it must be american or else why would it be there?