Farenlye 9/11

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Excellent movie. Since you guys keep merging the Posts because you obviously have no argument against Michael Moore. Instead of merging posts, why don't you actually fight back with intelligence.

Naféasonto said:
Excellent movie. Since you guys keep merging the Posts because you obviously have no argument against Michael Moore. Instead of merging posts, why don't you actually fight back with intelligence.


I actually hear ya brother. But be warned! This is becoming a forum where if you say things the administrators don't approve of, you'll be either demoted or banned. Or they may even do it just because it's their perogative. Tell the others my story. Tell them how I stood up for the little guys. In the meantime I'll drink myself into slow-mo to forget what horrible fate awaits me. And excuse any typos I make and know I would have done better but I had to invest in this expesive bottle I've been nursing all night.....feelin' woozy.....fight the power *gasp*
Naféasonto said:
Excellent movie. Since you guys keep merging the Posts because you obviously have no argument against Michael Moore. Instead of merging posts, why don't you actually fight back with intelligence.


I think that is their defense, since they cant argue with facts.

Shipgate said:
This is becoming a forum where if you say things the administrators don't approve of, you'll be either demoted or banned. Or they may even do it just because it's their perogative.

yeah, its Big Brother, anything the power doesnt like *poof* the person is gone that said it. its getting so you cant argue a point cuz they keep banning people on your side.

HalcyonY2K said:
HERE'S A COPY OF THE REPORT FROM WND---------The company distributing filmmaker Michael Moore's Bush-bashing movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" says it won't reject an offer of help from Middle East terrorist organization Hezbollah. As WorldNetDaily reported, terrorists affiliated with the Iran-backed network last week offered to help promote the film in the United Arab Emirates. .

so? does it matter where the funding comes from? Hezbolla is not 100% terrorists, they also take care of families that would not be able to survive without their help.

HalcyonY2K said:
Thing there is any credibility to bowling for columbine? For any of you who believe that trash you are the type of person who likes to jump on the bandwagon and believe whatever others tell you without researching it for yourself aka Iceman.



"..... O'Reilly compared Moore to the National Socialists' master of deceit: "Joseph Goebbels was the minister of propaganda for the Nazi regime and whose very famous quote was, 'If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.'"

Michael moore does not make documentaries, he is a propagandist that twists, distorts, facts to meet his own agenda.[/QUOTE]

take this:http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/farenheit911michaelmoore.html
and this:
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/en...ne="Fahrenheit 9/11" goes to war against Bush
and this! http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000552469
black and white; parasaurolophus


It wasn't merged, it was commandeered. Theres a difference. Besides, the dinosaur game is a much better use of bandwidth than people abusing their 1st amendendment rights to bitch about Micheal Moore abusing his 1st amendment rights, who in turn cause people to abuse their 1st amendment rights to bitch about the people who were bitching in the first place. So, enjoy dinosaurs.

And I don't believe anyone has been banned or even been threatened banishment because of their stupid political theories/views.

There's no first amendment where I come from. The internet isn't American, it's international.
This is a Wing Commander forum-based Off-Topic Zone, not Hardball or the O'Reilly Factor (I really don't care what O'Reilly said about Moore. It is simply one man's biased opinion of another biased man). We're all fans of a video game; I doubt any of us are professional political analysts, political journalists, or even politicians (but if there are any here, your input is welcome). When politics is brought up we shouldn't act so fervently as to attack others for their opinions or views. Maturity and intelligent thought are paramount here; unfortunately most of the political analysts on television do not display a good example of this.

Those of you who dislike Moore, don't let it get to you so much. There's not much you can do about a movie that's already out. Those of you who support Moore should remember he is not an honest man through and through. He is a multi-millionaire with a political agenda as well as a lot of money on the line; he has made a living on making controversial books and films that are controversial for a reason. The point is, if we discuss things rationally as opposed to starting a post the way HalcyonY2K did, there will be no post merging.

Although I do enjoy discussing fruits and dinosaurs.
I've posted on a forum about drumming for six years now. about two years ago, one prominent poster decided he didn't like the way the administrators ran the forum. He left with a little bit of drama and started up his own forum. Both forums coexist now with a professional (if tense) relationship. If you really don't like how things are run here, start up your own forum.

I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, and I'm also not trying to say that you really are being oppressed and censored. I'm indicating, from my (limited) experiences, the possibly solution that would satisfy both parties.

(besides, Filler is right. America does not equal Earth)
Filler said:
There's no first amendment where I come from.

and there is none in canada either, but since the 1st amendment that viper61is talking about is american, they figure that the whole world has the same constitution.

Filler said:
The internet isn't American, it's international.

Exactly, but americans dont understand that. they figure that since its in america then it must be american or else why would it be there?
That opinion isn't held by all Americans, just those that don't think before they speak. I'm not necessarily talking about you, Viper.
I double there is a big CIC conspiracy where the ops and admins censor, ban and block opinions and views they disagree with, unless they are argued in an unforgivably mindless way.

Iceman: I read the link to whatreallyhappened.com in your post; that's very interesting. Do you have anything else on the Israeli connection?
Michael Moore is loud and annoying and at times full of manipulitive shit. He's just the George Bush of the other wing - two people with seperate agendas clashing. If you agree with one or the other, thats fine - but it makes you an accessory to fucking stupidity.

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst come to mind about now.
Filler said:
There's no first amendment where I come from. The internet isn't American, it's international.
Iceman16 said:
and there is none in canada either, but since the 1st amendment that viper61is talking about is american, they figure that the whole world has the same constitution.
Exactly, but americans dont understand that. they figure that since its in america then it must be american or else why would it be there?
From what I've read, Micheal Moore made the films in America about America and its policy (with a detour to Canada), therefore he was exercising his 1st amendment rights as an American) to say/film whatever the hell he wants about/in America. Then I made the mistake of leaving the 'reading between the lines' of a generalization to the internet commuities 'capable' hands. Universal assumption - you can say whatever you want to on the internet, no matter how inflamitory, inciteful, or downright stupid, without reprecussions. That pretty much falls under first amendment rights for Americans, I have no idea what the equivalent legal-ese is for other nations, but apparently its there in some form or fashion since you are here bitching about me making the generalization. Apparently everybody recognized what the first amendment is and what the intention behind the statement was, since I was subsequently beat over the head with it. So you got my point and now just want to be asses. Enjoy more dinosaurs.


I think falling into camps is the problem. I don't hold myself to any political party because I never agree with everything they do. I don't follow easily. I don't put myself behind a cause easily. I'm sure some of you think my stance is wrong, but that's the beauty of it, right? It's my stance, not yours.
You stupid fucks are looking for the other thread. The one where the name of the movie is spelled properly. Nothing got merged into this abortion.

It's a good thing LOAF, being so incredibly smart, realizes the horrible irony being "MY MOVIE SHOULD BEABLE TO SAY WHATEVER IT WANTS! YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DISAGREE WITH ME!!!!!".

Go ruin the other thread or preferrably you stupid high school bastards. THIS ONE IS FOR DINOSAURS.

Wow. Can't say anything to that. Either way, that's my favorite dinosaur, so...

There ya go. Fun for the whole family.
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