F-35 Name


Vice Admiral
The Wikipedia has the F-35 JSF listed with the codename Lightning II.
Now I know some things in the Wiki are just outright wrong but it got me thinking.

Does anyone know for absolute surety if the JSF has acquired a codename?

For the longest time the F\A-22 had the name Lightning II prior to it acquiring the extra and going into service. Novalogic put out several F-22 games naming the fighter just that and then it became the Raptor (which I like so much more for obvious reasons:D ). I think I even read few articles calling the Eurofighter the Lightning II as well.

Another question is what weould you name it?:p
Jeje, I didn't think someone was around here right now...

Yes, I know about the P-51, the F4U, the F-86, and the DH-100, that’s why I would like to give it that name(s); but I thought it wasn't necessary to say so, my bad

Lightning II is appropriate in a twofold sense, since the US had the P-38 Lightning on the one hand, but also the British Royal Navy is co-financing the project with our greater experience of handling Harriers - we had the English Electric Lightning interceptor in the 60s. Therefore the name represents a 'II' to both potential users.

Having said that, the RAF never adds a 'II' suffix in any event, we would have had two 'Furies', two 'Nimrods', two 'Tornados' and, now, two 'Typhoons' also.

Personally I like Bearcat.
The WC BCat rounded out my top three favorite heavy fighters, after the Raptor and Thunderbolt.
Personally I like Bearcat.
The WC BCat rounded out my top three favorite heavy fighters, after the Raptor and Thunderbolt.

Well, and let's also not forget that there was also an A-7 Corsair II...

We've also had the Bearcat and the Thunderbolt, both WWII-era fighters. The F8F Bearcat came too late to enter WWII service, which was supposed to be an improvement to the already-deadly F6F Hellcat. And the Thunderbolt was the P-47.

Then again, we've also had the Thunderbolt II in the form of the A-10, more affectionately (though also backhandedly) referred to as the Warthog.

Okay, glasses coming off now...