Vice Admiral
The Wikipedia has the F-35 JSF listed with the codename Lightning II.
Now I know some things in the Wiki are just outright wrong but it got me thinking.
Does anyone know for absolute surety if the JSF has acquired a codename?
For the longest time the F\A-22 had the name Lightning II prior to it acquiring the extra and going into service. Novalogic put out several F-22 games naming the fighter just that and then it became the Raptor (which I like so much more for obvious reasons ). I think I even read few articles calling the Eurofighter the Lightning II as well.
Another question is what weould you name it?
Now I know some things in the Wiki are just outright wrong but it got me thinking.
Does anyone know for absolute surety if the JSF has acquired a codename?
For the longest time the F\A-22 had the name Lightning II prior to it acquiring the extra and going into service. Novalogic put out several F-22 games naming the fighter just that and then it became the Raptor (which I like so much more for obvious reasons ). I think I even read few articles calling the Eurofighter the Lightning II as well.
Another question is what weould you name it?