Iceyl86 said:
You know, the odd thing is... if Korea were to attack the United States, where would they get aid? China!? Considering that they are our #1 trading partners, i highly doubt it. Vietnam? Please... if we didn't have idiots in charge of the US in the 50s-70s... well the Vietnam conflict would have gone very differently, they might have even become our allies.
What really gets me though is why people think we should have focused our attention on Korea instead of Iraq... one question; Why? We've been having peaceful negotiations with them for years now... people are jumping the gun based on the outdated fears of McCartheism. Also... ok Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, we can all agree that attacking Iraq was a poor decision... the best military tech they had of thier own was equivalent of WW1 technology. But why Korea? Pakistan or Iran... that I can understand. Iran... well they hate us because of Jimmy Carter's stupidity... but Pakistan... the Taliban was formed from the Fundamentalist "Freedom Fighters", which they paid for with our tax money. It is also where Osama Bin Laden is hiding now. Yes they are our ally... but that is only because thier president is our ally. If he gets killed, forget it, we're loosing an ally, and things will get twice as bad for the Afganis.
Even though this dude's banned, I feel "obligated" (and I use the term loosely here) to point out a couple (times twenty) errors in the history tirade.
If North Korea went back to war, they'd ABSOLUTELY get aid from China. This is for two reasons: One, because N.K., like China, is communist, and under normal circumstances, like-minded ideological countries tend to aid each other...kinda like the U.S. would aid Japan, South Korea or Taiwan if either N.K. or China attacked any of those countries. Plus, dude, look at your history. Last time I looked, China was directly (yet politically indirectly, if at all) engaged in the Korean War. Something about history and how it repeats itself comes to mind...
Outdated fears of McCarthyism??!! Dude, where did THAT come from? Something in the subject of, oh I dunno, HISTORY says that McCarthyism was aimed at U.S. citizens who were blacklisted because they were "Communist" or "Communist sympathizers" in the 50s, and this played to the public as effectively as Republican slander of, say, Kerry and his Vietnam record/questioning his Vietnam record. Seems ignorant to say that fears of a North Korean missile launch, which is an international matter, is caused by McCarthyism, which was a domestic matter.
Iraq had the military equivalent of WWI era technology...? Uhm, did anyone tell them that when they bought MiG-29s, the T-series tanks and the infamous Scud missile from the Soviets? *blinks incoherently at this analogy*
Iran does not hate us because of "Jimmy Carter's stupidity". That is another very long, drawn out ideological difference with a long history of useage and culture/counter culture which does not belong at length in this thread.
And finally, under normal circumstances, one country is friendly with another only for two reasons: Either for trade purposes (mutually dependent) or the above-mentioned ideological similarities. This completely depends on the sitting government and its view/treatment/actions towards the rest of the world. If the Taliban gets back to power in Afghanistan, of course we're going to lose (not LOOSE) a friendly government...the government will change, and that's kind of how the world works in rudimentary terms. For example, China was once our ally, as was the USSR, while Japan and Germany were quite the enemies. Let's not forget our view of England in the early days of the history of our country, either. Every one of these countries has done a flip in our view of friend/foe government.
*shakes head* Dude, again...HOW much are you paying for those so-called History courses?
Okay. Counter-Rant over.