Exotic WC3 Bug Produces Interesting Results (December 27, 2023)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Found a Wing Commander III bug! In the first scramble mission (B1 or C1) you are automatically assigned three wingmen: Weasel (a scripted death) and then Maniac and Mitchell. If one is shot down, they're replaced by a rotation: Vagabond, Bacon Boy, Hobbes, Flint, Cobra, Vaquero, Maniac, Vagabond. But it doesn't check for duplicates, so you can end up with two Maniacs or two Vagabonds! It's unlikely to ever happen during regular gameplay because there isn't really anything in the mission that will kill six of your wingmen.

Original update published on December 27, 2023
I used to have this bug with an old flightstick pro on Dos, where randomly if I was flying straight with no user inputs it would every now and then the stick would pick it's own direction haha. No sure if that was a bug or just a hardware issue.