everyone is in for a shock

Great work Mario Brito..I stoped visiting your page cause I thought you abandoned it
Thanks, glad you liked it TCSTigersClaw. :)

Indeed, i was away for a period of time, but decided to get back to WC modding eventually. I'm actively researching WC games right now, although i'm sometimes lazy updating my site ;) but still do so fairly often.
Yeah, I already know that...I was talking about the exact release date ! (14,15,16 ??).Well maybe Im asking to much...

At least I ll be able to play it at the end of the month
IMHO, I believe no one mentioned a precise date yet because any date may be needed to be pushed back a few days to fix last-minute bugs (beta testing is being extensive but it could happen). Most of what's being done now, however, is hunting down and fixing bugs, so you probably won't have to wait more than a couple of weeks (NOTE: my own completely unofficial estimate, only Pedro and Quarto will be able to say more).

It'll be worth the waiting in any case, imho :)

Hey Q... are you gonna have to add some internet cafe to the special thanks list on the credits, or have you found a decent way to upload the files already?

Yeah, the smaller files I just e-mail to Filler. Bigger stuff I still have to upload at an internet cafe.
Hope that UE will rub properly in my Pc cause Im gonna execute Bill Gates and the other XP idiots

(I already got probs with Prophecy and SecretOPs)
If you've got problems with WCP and SO, you will also have problems with UE. However, it's easy to get WCP and SO to run in XP without problems - you just have to run them in compatibility mode.
Ive posted in TechSupport but I got problems...OK with Secret Ops I got some problems with the Graphics.I got my new Geforce4 Titanium 4600 and the HUD got problems.I dont care about that much.

Im afraid that the Videos of UnkownEnemy will be as fast as my Prophecy`s.
Even with no acceleration and win95 compatibility I got Problems..

Well, sorry Im off-topic :p

Just bring the game and Ill find a solution :)
The HUDs in Unknown Enemy, we don't know why, don't have errors on them, even for people who have glitches with the Prophecy/Secret Ops HUDs.

As for the sound acceleration I curse Origin for their sloppy code (Why is it that the KS REQUIRES acceleration and Prophecy won't work with it? :rolleyes: ) regardless turn off sound acceleration completeley and hope for the best.
Originally posted by Pedro
As for the sound acceleration I curse Origin for their sloppy code (Why is it that the KS REQUIRES acceleration and Prophecy won't work with it? :rolleyes:) regardless turn off sound acceleration completeley and hope for the best.

Bugs aren't necessarily due to sloppy code...
99.9% of the time they should be but...

Given that m$ never releases its source and that it worked originally... well I'd blame m$ for creating a difference in function of DirectX sound when they updated it :P *sigh*

That is one sure solution, downgrade to DirectX 6.0 :P