Ever get tired of getting caught in an asteroid field? Privateer tips and tricks

Eh, you don't typically run into the kilrathi too much unless you do a lot of flying towards the Kilrathi border. And, considering there's not much in that area that's really of any interest or value (unless some poor old soul suddenly discovers that the Kilrathi "Munitions Asteroid" isn't a hoax), there's not much purpose in going that way (unless you're just looking to hunt down a mess of kittens to harrass).

Only time we know for absolute certain we're going to see a Kamekh in an asteroid field is while working for the ES. And, unless you're in a horribly undergunned/underpowered/underpaid ship, you should be able to handle a Kamekh without too much trouble. It's those darned Gothri you gotta worry about.
Well, they once hid TCS Concordia in an asteroid field, and that's way bigger than any corvette.

Incidentally, many small asteroids would probably take more CPU resources than a smaller number of large ones. It's a harder collision detection problem, and large polygons tend to render faster than many small polygons.
There is one other time you will certainly see a Kamekh in an asteroid field and thats when you do a patrol with the Confeds towards the end of Riteous Fire. They have you patrol blockade point Alpha thats when you save Commador Ueller from three waves of kilrathi. By the way, a Ceturion with four fusion cannons makes a real short work of a Kamekh or anything else for that matter.
Joker057 said:
By the way, a Ceturion with four fusion cannons makes a real short work of a Kamekh or anything else for that matter.

Amen to that.

'Couple of torpedos'll heat up the kitchen, too.