Est Prolouge Release

Yeah, we're kinda pushing the limits of the engine (Standoff much moreso than UE, but still), so software mode is too slow to be playable, or even unstable in extreme cases (like the hundreds of ships on the UE endgame :p).
Yeah, no kidding. The last mission in UE takes me for bloody ever to finish. The thing slows down to about 1/2 speed, and is quite jerky. That combined with the irritating nature of nephilem pilots, and the slowness of the gratha, makes for a long, drawn out frustration fest.

Does someone want to buy me a better computer?
Unregistered said:
My machine is a 200 megahertz pentium with 49 meg ram. But, also, my harddrive is old and starting to act up. And I don't have a 3d accel card, so I have to use the 'software'
It's the software mode that's the problem, then. I'm surprised you even saw the fighters in the hangar - as I understand it, they're what actually causes the software mode crash.
Fighters, and general computer slowness due to age and stupidity. I'm really looking forward to finding another job so I can start making payments on a new computer. That, and DSL, if I can get it way out here in the boondocks. Then my life will be easier thrice over.
Eh, ive got a computer that is something like 5 times more powerful than the one I initially played Prophecy on... it runs fast enough that the cuscenes skip through themselves... but I still get slowdown when the capships show up in large groups.

Is this my computer or is this just UE?
It's probably UE... Prophecy's Vision engine simply wasn't designed to handle so many polygons, no matter how good your computer is. About those cutscenes, you can stop them from skipping by switching off sound acceleration.
Hmm, I can't think of anything else that can be done to solve that problem, Gryphon :(. Disabling sound acceleration always worked for me.
Ah, our sound cards are just too 1337 for this game. *sigh* Least the gameplay section is ungodly smooth (c'mon, im twitchin for the next UE fix already...)
We're working on it... very slowly. You could vastly accelerate our progress by getting us jobs at Origin and/or sending us lots of money so that we can concentrate on Standoff and UE2 without having to continue university studies and earning a living :p.
Having a job kicks ass. I've been doing some piecework with the guy who owns the studio I record at. His day-job is hanging drywall and painting interiors. I've made some not-so-bad money working for him two days a week.
Yeah, I had a job last year (or rather, a few jobs here and there :p) working with kids, the money was not much, but welcome, and it was fun too :cool:

It left me with little time to work on Standoff for some months, though.... as do my studies now... and that's the sucky part of it all.
We gotta make some half assed coffee break type game or something, man.... with no copyright infringements included, preferrably :p