Episode 5 - Missions/Tactics *SPOILERS*

Wow. Okay. Having a huuuge amount of trouble on mission 2 winning path, episode five. I read the hints in here, but can anyone give me something more to go on? Anything would be able to help! I just keep on dying, at the latest, when things are 40% dead. Is there any way to stop the fighters from respawning?
Wow. Okay. Having a huuuge amount of trouble on mission 2 winning path, episode five. I read the hints in here, but can anyone give me something more to go on? Anything would be able to help! I just keep on dying, at the latest, when things are 40% dead. Is there any way to stop the fighters from respawning?

Heh. I remember when I was playing that mission that there was a half dead Drakhri a billion miles from anything as the only Kilrathi fighter. All I wanted was a comm option "Don't kill it, you'll cause another wave to spawn!". Sadly, the option wasn't there and we were knee deep in fighters shortly after.
Wow. Okay. Having a huuuge amount of trouble on mission 2 winning path, episode five. I read the hints in here, but can anyone give me something more to go on? Anything would be able to help! I just keep on dying, at the latest, when things are 40% dead. Is there any way to stop the fighters from respawning?

I belive that killing ships that can launch fighters (fralthas and sanaikeir and perhaps ralathas too) will make new waves less numerous. When I had only one ralatha and some targus remaining each wave was made of only three fighters. So go after Snaikeir first, it can launch most
Fighters actually come from additional sources outside of the ships you see. There is the entire kilrathi fleet out there after all. :p

Mancubus is correct though, go for the fighter launching capships. Ralathas, Fralathas, and the Snakier if it is present. However...some of those waves come from outside sources (ie ships you can't see like the Hakagas...), those one's you'll have to fight through on your own.

Also, remember there are levels of victory below "total" :p You can always retreat from the nav point back towards the Firekka if it gets to hot.

What ship are you trying to complete the mission in?
What ship are you trying to complete the mission in?

Well, any that I can manage to succeed in! Which is "easiest", or at least has a more thorough strategy??

What I would *LIKE* to do is ram a torpedo at the capships fighter bays to lower the amount of force they can throw at me, but nooo...
It's possible to completely destroy every capship and fighter in that mission with any of the 3 choices. Believe me I tested it to make sure it was entirely possible...but it's certainly hard.

Easiest? Probably the Rapier version. Just cover your bombers and when you have free time kill a few turrets. Just try to gun down the fighters as fast as possible and enough bombers will make it to take out every ship. It just might take a while for them to take them all down...with no AB and all :p

If you are flying one of the torp carrying fighters and the Snakeir is present...make sure you kill it first. That will greatly reduce the number of fighters that are sent against you. If you didn't kill the Hakaga in Ep4 this mission is actually a bit easier since 2 Snakeirs return to Kilrathi space with the damaged ship. So their fighters won't be around to harass you. If the Snakeir isn't present...then go after the Fralathas and Ralathas.
Actually, the sabre makes it real nice to complete if you take out those targu's so the bombers including other sabres can start blasting the enemy caps to pieces. It at least will help make complete victory certain.
What difficulty are you all playing on?? I tried it with the rapier and I still got blown to pieces once my afterburner ran out!
What difficulty are you all playing on?? I tried it with the rapier and I still got blown to pieces once my afterburner ran out!

I went with crossbow. I belive it's best option - lots of torps, really tough, and if you're good at aiming, one or two full gun salvos will kill any fighter.
gavinfoxx, are you running on the lastest patches ? I think the mission you're talking about is one that had a major mission-bound crash that was solved from 1.26 onward. The lastest pacth brings the game to 1.28, what version are you on ?
gavinfoxx, are you running on the lastest patches ? I think the mission you're talking about is one that had a major mission-bound crash that was solved from 1.26 onward. The lastest pacth brings the game to 1.28, what version are you on ?

I did all the auto updating stuff. Where do I see which version of the game I have? I think I might have 1.28...

argh... every time I am doing fairly well, when I have killed the snakeir and cleared through all the fighters on the screen, when one of the next group shows up... I always crash when killing one of the secondary groups. :( :(

It also crashes EVERY time I exit the game from flight on that mission!
You see it on the top of the Standoff Launcher it will say "Standoff 1.XX"

I can tell you that I played that mission 4 or 5 times yesterday trying different things and it did not crash for me.

Do you have error details turned on for error messages? (Pete just showed this to me recently...sure would have been helpful a few weeks ago :p )

That will tell us what part of the game is causing the crash. If you don't have it turned on...Pete can instruct you how to :p
Me too. I got to the mission today and every time I get things under control (Snakier, all Targus and one Ralatha down, usually) and I start picking off turrets, it'll just dump me out.

I'll also note that I don't see a crash dialog - I just get back to the desktop and the standoff process shows up in the task manager for a few seconds after that before disappearing. I'm running win7 FWIW.
Yeah, 1.28 is terrible compared with 1.26. I used to be able to run with really high settings excluding HDR and the occasional crash with enh lighting, now it crashes with default settings on any lengthy mission. Sometimes it will be after I seen the landing cutscene with the tech.
Not til after Labor day...this latest patch I think caused as many problems as it fixed.

I would rather wait a week or so before getting another patch, so that Pete and Pedro can get some of these graphics bugs nailed. So P and P hope into those vampires and nail us some Nephilims. :D

Seriously guys good luck, as the memory error seems to be worse than expected.

Oh and how do you get the engine to report errors?