Episode 4 Mission Tree [Contains Spoilers!]

I can only recall two images, one where Sabres (I think) are making a run on a Rigakh cruiser, and another which has the Hakagas plus its escort fleet (seems to be based on the preview image from years ago).

Is there any chance that unadulterated (ie sans the "To be continued/concluded..." message and embossing) versions of the episode conclusion screens could be made available as wallpapers (please)? Presumably you already have those source images, so it shouldn't take much effort...
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Is there any chance that unadulterated (ie sans the "To be continued/concluded..." message and embossing) versions of the episode conclusion screens could be made available as wallpapers (please)? Presumably you already have those source images, so it shouldn't take much effort...
I do have most of them, but I may be missing some (this damn thing has been going for quite a while, you know :p)...

But yeah, that's a pretty good idea. I suppose I could release a 1024x768 wallpaper pack before Ep 5 already, since Ep 5 is likely to have no new splash screens.

("To be continued..."? Over my dead body!)
A dead Eder would imply no continuation of Standoff anyway, and I doubt anyone could - or would want to - fill in the gaps. :)

A wallpaper pack would be really appreciated - my brother had been using the one of the screens from an earlier episode for ages (the one with numerous Confed fighters flying in towards a blue-green planet, presumably Sirius Prime).
Anyone know what needs killed for a victory in Clearing the Path? Just got through with a decent run, the rapiers actually killed kats at a reasonable rate, Targu II's down all over the place, one Ralatha down .. failed. Whats more critical? The Ralatha, eliminating more Targu?
You need a minimum percentage of all ship types - it's no good killing 100% of the Frigates but only 25% of the Kamekhs, and etc. I think it's around 50-75%.
In order to get mission success, you need two out of three objectives complete. And as for the individual objectives - I think you need to get all of the Kamekhs, while for the frigates and Ralatha the requirement is 2/3rds (in the case of Ralatha, literally two out of three. For the Targu II, it's six out of nine, I think...).

Though of course, if you let any capships at all get away, you'll be seeing them in the next mission, so real success is 100% for all three objectives :).
Theres only two Ralatha in that mission .. unless you're being Evil, of course. Another destroyer and escort jumping in after the player thinks he's in the clear? I wouldn't put it past you lot. But the debrief screen did say 100% killed. And 100% Kamekh. And 62% Targu. And mission failed. I am not amused. Afterburners destroyed while I was setting up for the last torpedo run. Those frigates are nasty if you don't get the position right and you cant burn.
Clearing the Path is pretty hard, even on Rookie. I personally kill the first frigate at each navpoint immediately, then I try to help my allies by both shooting down ships and turrets. I also tell my wingmen to "form on my wing" if they're getting blasted. Then when the target area has no more fighters, I order them to "break and attack".
Yeah, I got it. Except for one Targu, don't you hate it when you fire the last torpedo in the mission and it turns out you're just far enough off center that the torpedo misses? Shouldnt try to rush these things. Then again, one Targu isn't enough to slow down a crossbow, so no matter. The Hakaga still burns.
Hmm... I once got from the losing path in Episode 3 to Backlash in Sirius, with all of the Firekka's systems intact after the final mission (Marching into Sirius), Fralthi and Ralatha dead, success in every previous Ep.3 mission, but still I get the losing ending... maybe it's because I only had 3 Gladii remaining? Or the engines took a hit in a previous mission?
For example, if you kill enough escort capships in Clearing the Path to get the winning version of the next mission, but fail to kill all of them, then the survivors will be there to defend the Hakaga.

Actually, from my gaming experience, you'll get a clear run at the Hakaga without any Kamekh/Targu/Ralatha as long as you get greens on all objectives in clearing the last (I think at least 75% of each ship type). Guess the other strike forces already killed the rest. On the other hand, if you fail at least one of them, you'll have to face the extra interception group with two Targu and some fighters (including the only campaign appearance of the Jalthi!)
Hmmm, I'm pretty sure it's possible to get extra capships in the Hakaga mission even if you do meet the minimal success conditions in Clearing the Path. At least it used to be during our testing, and I don't recall any talk about changing it.
It is indeed.

From Clearing the Path, you can go on to two different variants of the next mission - one variant if you kill enough capships to meet the success conditions, and the other if you fail. In the failed variant, you obviously face quite a few capships. But even in the successful variant, you still have to face again any frigates or Ralatha that survived the previous mission.
The failed version is definetely winnable and worth seeing, though, and you get to fight some Jalthi as well.

...Which reminds me - does anyone know if the WC1 on Gametap include the Secret Missions? I really liked WC1 and now I'd like to play them... Or do I have to search Ebay?