Enterprise Season 4 - This Will Be GOOD!

Sex appeal was one of the hallmarks of TOS, and it's definately got its place in ENT.

Braga's an okay dude. He's happy about Enterprise moving to Friday nights: "Right now we’re up against American Idol for god sakes! You might as well not air the episodes! Now we're on Friday nights and I think people will seek it out."
What we need is a Star Trek reality show. That'll get the ratings. Stick a handful of complete strangers in a shuttle with no training and give them a mission to accomplish. The show ends when they burn up on re-entry.

Oh, and make one of them a secret traitor (the required "twist" to be revealed about half-to-3/4 way through the season)
Quarto said:
Just out of idle curiosity... with this ever-so-evil Braga guy out of the picture, who are the Star Trek fans gonna blame if season four turns out to suck? :p

They'll pull some time travel thingie. Works every time.
For all those who are burnt out with Enterprise, might I suggest Joss Whedon's short-lived but brilliant show Firefly. It's avaliable in it's entirity on DVD and due to the massive fan base has been green-lit for a feature film release for April 22, 2005. The movie has already begun filming and is to be the first of a trilogy.

Visit http://www.FireflyFans.net for the full scoop on the most brilliant of shows.
Maybe someone can create a BF1942 mod where the Starfleet Officers get to fight Alien Nazis. Because it's such a great concept

They already did something like that once in a DS-9 episode... even though im probably one of the only ones here that cared to follow that saga... but yeah, it was pretty much that Alien Nazis, in a hologram with the safties turned off... people really dieing... it was pretty good... two parter too.
Bandit LOAF said:
That was a Voyager episode ("Killing Game").

Oh, I remember that one! I loved it! Still remember the goosbumps I've gotten when I first saw the end of pt 1! First time in a long time back then where I got physically hyped and rilled up over a ep. Much less a two-parter. :)
That and "Year of Hell" :)
I still remember a lame Tom Paris comment in that episode about the M-1 Garands not being "much of a weapon". I would rather have "The greatest battle implement ever devised" (Patton) than a little hand phaser.
Year of Hell kicked ass; especially when in "Elogium" after Kes returns from her chroniton induced reverse Jaunt through time, you hear about the Krennim. I figured at that time that the Krennim were just a race we'd never see. Imagine my surprise when Year of hell took up several episodes! that was a pretty cool weapon; the Xindi have nothing on the Krennim.
I forgot... in Killing game what was the name of the race who were the nazis, it was those hunter crazy aliens, right? what were they called?