FlashFire82 said:I dunno... I think that Enterprise, like many other things that die, was advertised quite poorly. And I have to say that UPN was a poor choice of network to bring it too. Of all the major network, UPN has the LEAST amount of coverage. The prequel idea was kind of cool... and probably something that not too many fans saw coming. It's a shame to see it go before I even got to see ONE episode.
Sylvester said:Interestingly enough, the OV-101 (Enterprise) was originally supposed to be named the Constitution after the famous US Naval vessel. It was then changed to Enterprise. Which is kind of coincidential because in Star Trek, the Enterprise was a Constitution class ship.
Horus said:It was a nice idea but it doesn't quite work as they have made so many mistakes as a result. e.g. In TNG, when Q sends the Enterprise to meet the Borg, they had no idea what they were, it was completly new to them. And then in Enterprise, we see the Borg. No granted, they didn't see very much of them, but they observed some assimilations, saw their technology, what they look like, etc. That would of all been recorded, so technically, a few hundred years later, the crew of the federations flag ship would at least have a small idea of what they saw in the Delta quadrant. Its thinks like that that a lot of people just didn't like.