Enterprise Officially Cancelled

I heard on the news today that tons of fans rallied outside Paramount Studios demanding they put Enterprise back on the air. Many people said they were willing to contribute money to keep it on the air. It should be interesting to see what (if anything) comes of this. But you gotta admire that kind of dedication to such a good show.
No, it wasn't - in spite of what Star Trek fandom mythology might have to say. Think about it - in the 1970s, TV series only rarely were turned into movies, and indeed, TV series movies had the same kind of well-deserved reputation for utter suckage that video game movies have today. Logically, the last thing the Star Trek fans would have wanted was a movie - they wanted a TV series. The fact that Paramount decided to make a movie instead (and didn't make a new series for another decade) shows you just how much they cared about fan pressure.

(of course, the fans' existence was a factor in the decision to make the show - but only insofar as it gave Paramount well-founded hope that a new Star Trek product would be a financial success)
Ahem, but fan pressure was certainly a factor in the original show. Rather, I should say "perceived" fan pressure was a factor.
I dunno... I think that Enterprise, like many other things that die, was advertised quite poorly. And I have to say that UPN was a poor choice of network to bring it too. Of all the major network, UPN has the LEAST amount of coverage. The prequel idea was kind of cool... and probably something that not too many fans saw coming. It's a shame to see it go before I even got to see ONE episode.
FlashFire82 said:
I dunno... I think that Enterprise, like many other things that die, was advertised quite poorly. And I have to say that UPN was a poor choice of network to bring it too. Of all the major network, UPN has the LEAST amount of coverage. The prequel idea was kind of cool... and probably something that not too many fans saw coming. It's a shame to see it go before I even got to see ONE episode.

UPN definately was a horrible choice... I don't know too many people who get UPN and it's only by freak accident that I get UPN in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. :(
I could never quite get into Enterprise. It was good, and they had some great episodes, but I just never liked them going back to the beginning. It just doesn't feel right.
You know what I mean. Having 4 series' of shows that doing nothing but continue the overall story that goes on, and then, they go back and tell the beginning. It was a nice idea but it doesn't quite work as they have made so many mistakes as a result. e.g. In TNG, when Q sends the Enterprise to meet the Borg, they had no idea what they were, it was completly new to them. And then in Enterprise, we see the Borg. No granted, they didn't see very much of them, but they observed some assimilations, saw their technology, what they look like, etc. That would of all been recorded, so technically, a few hundred years later, the crew of the federations flag ship would at least have a small idea of what they saw in the Delta quadrant. Its thinks like that that a lot of people just didn't like.
Ahem, it was supposed to be christened after the USS Carrier Enterprise...that was the official statement from the government...nevertheless is was Captain Kirk (William Shatner) who was presiding at the ceremony.
Interestingly enough, the OV-101 (Enterprise) was originally supposed to be named the Constitution after the famous US Naval vessel. It was then changed to Enterprise. Which is kind of coincidential because in Star Trek, the Enterprise was a Constitution class ship.
Sylvester said:
Interestingly enough, the OV-101 (Enterprise) was originally supposed to be named the Constitution after the famous US Naval vessel. It was then changed to Enterprise. Which is kind of coincidential because in Star Trek, the Enterprise was a Constitution class ship.

Yeah that is kinda funny
Horus said:
It was a nice idea but it doesn't quite work as they have made so many mistakes as a result. e.g. In TNG, when Q sends the Enterprise to meet the Borg, they had no idea what they were, it was completly new to them. And then in Enterprise, we see the Borg. No granted, they didn't see very much of them, but they observed some assimilations, saw their technology, what they look like, etc. That would of all been recorded, so technically, a few hundred years later, the crew of the federations flag ship would at least have a small idea of what they saw in the Delta quadrant. Its thinks like that that a lot of people just didn't like.

I thought that twist was kind of cool. It implied that the Borg the Federation faught at wolf 359 in 'The Best of Both Worlds' where heading to Earth to make contact with the Borg from that Enterprise episode, who where stranded in the the past as a result of something Picard and crew would not do untill several years later (First Contact). That means that had the Borg sucesffuly assimalated Earth and Picard in 'The Best Of Both Worlds', then the Enterprise would never have been able to travel back in time later to strand those Borg on Earth in the past to begin with, and everything would kind of undone itself. It was an interesting Paradox.

Besides, I think Voyager really screwd up the Borg before Enterprise got a chance to. Am I right in thinking that Seven of Nines' parents would have had to have left Earth to go looking for the Borg long before Q 'introduced' the enterprise crew to them in that next generation episode?
yes Voyager really screwed up the borg, but not in that sense, they destroyed the fear factor and made the borg seem almost like standard trek - pantomine villans.
The Save Enterprise / Trekunited campaign has just confirmed receiving $3 Million from three anonymous sources in the aerospace industry. The current total stands at $3,067,840.00 ! I wonder if this will change Paramount's mind?

For more info and the press release, go here.

