Enemy Mine

The idea is that governments, not people, create wars. In the American Civil War, people who were once friends or family found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. Someone that you might legitimately have a great friendship with in differing circumstances is someone you must kill before he kills you if you are on opposite sides of an armed conflict.

In the context of the Cold War, these movies could show people that Russian people were not bad, only the Russian government was (from a western viewpoint).
Enemy Mine, The Last Starfighter, and Earthstar Voyager were some of my favorites as a kid.

I didn't know anyone else remembered Earth Star Voyager - I had an off-air VHS of it that I made as a kid and subsequently watched until it fell apart... my brother found me a bootleg DVD of it a few Christmases back.

Check out Starcrash starring THE HOFF, now there is a real piece of crap.

"Imperial Battleship... halt the flow of time!"

Amazing, amazing movie. A bunch of us got together and watched it at Frosty's house last summer -- heck of a good time.

It's yet another one of those movies that tries to show us that maybe, just maybe, the people that we're fighting against aren't so bad after all. You know, like Communists. We've got that, Rocky IV, and a craptacular movie that I saw over spring break called Robot Jox. Any others that I'm leaving out?

Red Dawn!
The title "Enemy Mine" would be "My Enemy" in more understandable English.

The subplot involving the mine was put in the movie after backers feared that the title was misleading. Its not a bad movie, for what it is. Louis Gossett does a fantastic alien.

Sadly, ELTEE - they're going ahead with a sequel to The Last Starfighter. How they plan to do this after Robert Preston and (probably more importantly) Dan O'Herlihy have passed on is beyond me. Lance Guest is still around but he never made it past this movie or... Jaws 4.

A personal favorite of mine is Slipstream - a big budget sci-fi UK knockoff that combines Silent Running with Blade Runner. Starring Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton, Bob Peck, F Murray Abraham and Ben Kingsly, it was a gigantic bomb in the UK but features one of the most brilliant endings to a film I've ever seen.

Spoiler, obviously: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HSHD7u7QM5Y

(I should say that the movie is a favorite since it seems like the most sure-fire combination of talent possible. Two Oscar winners, a shakespearean stage actor, a (then) recognized blockbuster actor (and Bill Paxton) - Produced by Gary Kurtz (Star Wars, ESB, The Dark Crystal), scored by Elmer Bernstein and directed by Steven Lisberger (TRON). Its like the biggest sci-fi fiscal trainwreck.)

(As bad as Robojox is, its still not Space Truckers)
A personal favorite of mine is Slipstream - a big budget sci-fi UK knockoff that combines Silent Running with Blade Runner.

... and let's not forget Lifeforce! It has everything from space shuttles to the girl from Privateer 2 walking around naked for the entire movie to a good 45 seconds of the camera holding on Patrick Stewart vomiting. It really is the perfect movie.
Sadly, ELTEE - they're going ahead with a sequel to The Last Starfighter. How they plan to do this after Robert Preston and (probably more importantly) Dan O'Herlihy have passed on is beyond me. Lance Guest is still around but he never made it past this movie or... Jaws 4.

Seriously? I didn't realize this. Is there any predicted date of release?

I imagine it will take alot of creative planning to overcome the obvious absence of key characters. I hope they don't try and over-complicate the Gunstar - I agree that this could be ripe for disaster.

Too bad for 'ol Lance. I didn't think he was half-bad in the movie.

...and Patrick Stewart vomiting?! Sign me up! I always knew he got space-sick. He couldn't hide it forever...
@ Privfan,

Read the readme that comes along with it. It tells you how to insert a coin. I can't remember the command off the top of my head (I haven't played it for quite some time).
Read the readme that comes along with it.

After experimenting a bit, I found a diagnostic/config menu by hitting zero. The 5 key inserts a coin, and spacebar (fire) gets you right into the game. You can use a combination of the arrow keys and the mouse to get a two-joystick feel.
Right, thanks, LeHah.

Here's a complete list of controls:

Turret movement and right fire ASWD LAlt
Reticle and left fire JKLI Space
Mouse and mouse fire if active
Mouse 1 fire, Mouse2 Weapon toggle,
3 DeathBlossom

Laser m
Particle Beam ,
Photon bolt (Missiles) .

MAME Weapon Toggle 1
COIN (to start game) 5
Diagnostic Mode 0
Yeah, I mean we're talking about a Gunstar here - what did you think this simulated? A Hornet?

You think those are Kats you're fighting?
The trick is figuring out which controls suit you best. I do best when I use the keyboard to control the rotation of the turret and the mouse to fine control the reticule. Give it a try! :)
...and Patrick Stewart vomiting?! Sign me up! I always knew he got space-sick. He couldn't hide it forever...

Here's where they hook him up...

And when he throws up...

And when some guy kisses him...
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I'm a little terrified that Chris posted pictures from that scene.

I'm very terrified that he seemed to have those pictures on hand... :(