meisdavidp said:I appreciate the info, however, I am avoid ATI cards at the moment. I despise the kinds of nonsense they use with their Catalyst packages and I play a lot of games designed for Nvidia. I'm pretty much decided on the GeForce 7600GT and was simply seeing if anyone had heard any specific problems with it. Thanks for the info, though.
You know, that makes about as much sense as avoiding Macs because they can run Windows software... but the software wasn't 'designed for Macs'. I play World of Warcraft, which was designed for nVidia.. and it works as well (if not better) on the ATi than it does on the nVidia, especially with the texture corruption issues which still remain unsolved with the more recent Detonator drivers. And, as far as I know, they've not 'tweaked' the drivers in the way you're implying here for years... no more than nVidia's been tweaking the Detonators to 'work better' in some games by leaving out some features.
And, currently, the x1900xt runs neck-in-neck with the GeForce 7900's, although the SLI implementation on the nVidia cards remains better. The main problem with the 7600's, IIRc, is that they're not as good a value for the money as the 7800's or 7900's. That, and texture corruption/creeping im some games (like WoW).