gh0d (Administrator)
No, you don't get banned from the forums simply for speaking against CIC staffers. What gets you banned (and sometimes not even then, depending on the mood of the staffer du jour) is being an asshole.
That state is reserved for forum admins.
As for the whole "shouldn't destroy it because someone could use it" thing, following that logic through leads you to the old "starving people in [impovrished country]" routine that your (generic "you") parents used to give to try to guilt-trip you into eating your vegetables.
That saying, of course, was pure bull[excrement] when your parents used it, and it's even more so when used in discussions about a luxury item such as a game. (No one has ever literally died because they couldn't play a computer game.)
Clarification: BS in terms of not eating vegetables having any connection whatsoever with starvation in other countries, or in the case of this thread destruction of games from one city having any connection whatsoever with lack of a luxury item like a computer game in other places.
That state is reserved for forum admins.

As for the whole "shouldn't destroy it because someone could use it" thing, following that logic through leads you to the old "starving people in [impovrished country]" routine that your (generic "you") parents used to give to try to guilt-trip you into eating your vegetables.

Clarification: BS in terms of not eating vegetables having any connection whatsoever with starvation in other countries, or in the case of this thread destruction of games from one city having any connection whatsoever with lack of a luxury item like a computer game in other places.