Victory, you say?
Originally posted by WildWeasel
That's his point. Why do they do that, though?
It's the same thing with Blair, Tolwyn, Marshall, Taggart... Its either the callsign or the last name.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
That's his point. Why do they do that, though?
Right. In other words, as I pointed out earlier, it's the actor, not Casey himself, that bothers you.Originally posted by Delance
Casey already have a personality, and it sucks. Casey is much better on WCSO, where he doesn't have a personality, and has a decent, commanding voice. The actor there is able to say: "do you wanna a piece of me? WANNA A PIECE OF ME" and get away with it.
Sure they are, but it's pretty obvious that you have no real reasons to criticise him as a fictional character. I've heard the complaints from people like you a thousand times. It always seems to come down to Steven Petrarca's acting ability.But, while everyone should respect your right be president and founder of the Casey fan club, I think the rest of the community is allowed to have and express their opinions, including, but not limited to, criticism about aforementioned fictional character.
Originally posted by Quarto
Right. In other words, as I pointed out earlier, it's the actor, not Casey himself, that bothers you.
Sure they are, but it's pretty obvious that you have no real reasons to criticise him as a fictional character.
I've heard the complaints from people like you a thousand times. It always seems to come down to Steven Petrarca's acting ability.
Heck, if you read the WCP Guide, you'd be surprised how much personality Casey has, and how little of it gets through to the game.
And hey, if Lance is good enough for Henrikson, it should be good enough for Casey, too.
As for those others... callsigns are very different from last names. It's like calling a friend by a nickname. And Tolwyn... well, apart from Paladin (who does call Tolwyn by his first name), I don't think anyone is on a first name basis with him.
Wrong. I don't like Casey any more than most other WC characters. I simply can't understand this rabid hatred of Casey that some people have.Originally posted by Delance
You can't understand because you just like him too much, right..![]()
Arguably, anyone who takes the time to argue that he's a good or bad character is taking Casey way too seriously... so, we all take Casey too seriously. Continuing that line of reasoning, we take WC in general way too seriously. So what's your point?You take Casey way too seriously if you took the time to research his personality.
Oh, sorry, that comment was actually for BattleDog.I don't think I'll be complaining about the name "Lance".
Maniac used to call him Maverick, back when they were young. Calling him Colonel or Blair in WC3/4 seemed more of an indication of them not being close friends anymore.But people call others by their last name, too. Even Maniac, who knows Blair for decades, calls him "Blair". It's probably because the normal way to talk to each other is by rank + last name.
Of course he sucked. He's no longer a player character. Disregarding that, you have to remember he hasn't flown a mission in years.Originally posted by BattleDog
That said in WCP Blair sucked as a pilot.
Can't please everyone...Originally posted by BattleDog
They should have left the decision making in.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Of course he sucked. He's no longer a player character. Disregarding that, you have to remember he hasn't flown a mission in years.
Can't please everyone...
BTW, I don't think anyone should try to bring Blair back in a fan project - too many people would complain and want to know what happened between his disappearance and 'rescue'. Any attempt to fill in that story just wouldn't seem... 'right', IMHO.
Originally posted by BattleDog
They should have left the decision making in. Thats the way the personality developes.
Originally posted by Quarto
Well, as you know, they didn't have quite as much money as one might wish... dialogue choices would have been cool, but they were trying to spend as little as possible.
You think it sucks. Too bad. Many casual players liked the fact that WC's focus returned to gameplay. And given the budget constraint, I think WCP didn't turn out that bad.Originally posted by BattleDog
That still made it suck.
Not ignore, just make sure that there aren't major conflicts/contradictions - which is what I assume happened with the UE story concentrating in the UBW.Originally posted by Obee
But I also think, that UE has to involve in the original Story and continue it, ignoring what Origin or EA is doing.
Originally posted by Lynx
I'm sick of all the guys complaining how bad WCP is. Shut up.