Do not eat pie, it is bad!

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
This is not a something vs. something thread; this is a something vs. nothing thread and I can prove it.

Wing Commander takes place in the future. Pie is something you eat today or yesterday. Wing Commander has at least seven types of Dralthi fighters - pies have only four. Wing Commander is made of cardboard and CDs - but pies have strawberry, chocolate, bannana or even meat in them. In Wing Commander, spaceships fli around. In a pie, there are no spaceships. Wing Commander represents all that is good about America - flags, German shepards, mom, pop and apple pie. Pies represent only one of these things -- can you guess which? German shepards.
In Wing Commander, you are encouraged to play a video game. With a pie, you are encouraged to cut the pie into pieces and share it with your friends. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. Wing Commander is full of Star Wars. Star Wars does not have any pies -- only wookies.
Wing Commander has a Freedom Flight. Pies do not have freedom, they are eaten containing pears, apples or cheese. Do not eat pie.

Frequently, pie eaters are discouraged from drinking anything but coffee with their pie. In Wing Commander players can drink soda, milk or water.
Isn't the Dralthi a pie? So, Pie is evil on WC. No, it's pancake. But a pie is a pancake with superpolymers.
Bandit LOAF said:
Wing Commander takes place in the future.

No it doesn't! On the WCU, the time right now is of the latest game published, which is WCSO. However, "Wing Commander", the game, or "Wing Commander", the movie, take place before that - or in the past of the current WCU time.

Bandit LOAF said:
Pie is something you eat today or yesterday.

You can't eat anything yesterday unless you go to the time travel club.

Bandit LOAF said:
Wing Commander is full of Star Wars. Star Wars does not have any pies -- only wookies.

Wookies have kitchens. You see that on the "Christmas Special". So its official, not EU crap. And like George Washington said, where there's a kitchen, there's a pie.

Bandit LOAF said:
In Wing Commander players can drink soda, milk or water.

They generally drink a lot of booze, tought. The only water you ever see on the Tiger's Claw is dripping from the ceiling. And one must ask: is that really water?

Now, there's something you could use superpolymers for.

TECH EDIT: You can't eat Wing Commander, but you can eat pie. Unless you eat Wing Commander.
What was wrong with Mr. Obutu? I kinda liked him. And what planet did this Joshua Harrington guy come from? I'm LMAO every time I run across one of his threads.
LOAF. you are wrong. This is why:

In WCIV, during the Nephele bar scene, Blair tells the vet who asks for some money to go get a meal instead.

Nephele is a rural/farming/desert world. Blair (was, kinda) a farmer. Farmers have wives. Blair didn't have a wife, but he had a girlfriend. Before she left, she probably made a pie, since that's what you do when you are the female mate of a farmer.

Thusly.... pies and Wing Commander are compatible.