difficult situation

talk about your facts, personally both good cases still we live life only once why be restricted by a phobia so stupid that it means wed have to take a shit in a bag bury it then thropw acid in it, so the "bad bacteria dont get us.

ill continue haveing safe sex with as many partners as i see fit to, its my life im not taking unecicary risks im only 18 for fucki, if i wanted to be a prude id become religiouse
Lord_Nathrakh said:
ill continue haveing safe sex with as many partners as i see fit to, its my life im not taking unecicary risks im only 18 for fucki, if i wanted to be a prude id become religiouse
That's right, it's your life...er, until you infect someone else, that is...

I lost a brother-in-law to HIV; the world is now a poorer place because of that fact. This ain't "prude-ism", nor only for the "religiouse"; it's common sense, bub.

You got yer pallbearers all picked out yet?...
Ghost said:
Statistically, a plane can crash on your house...would you go to live under a tree? (where you can be hited by a lightning)

Ghost, have I told you lately how great you are?
we shall see if i get it though im willing to bet my life i wont, and i get blood screenings every 3 months i also donate blood ones a month, i dont know about where u live but they frown on HIV effected blood.

im sorry about your brother in law but that wont happen to me, im not stupid enough to have sex with just ANYONE first i actually like knowing them for a WHOLE 15 min..........

besides no cheating fate if im destined to get it being safe and protected then i guess im gonna get it