I remember my family's first computer. It was a Dell Dimensions P-75 (the first to use an Intell Pentium processor!), with 540 megabytes of harddrive space (if I remember correctly. I know that it was over 500), 8 megabytes of ram, a 4x cd rom, and a 28.8 Data/Fax modem. We ran MS-DOS with Windows 3.11 for a while, but my crazy uncle decided that OS2 was the "wave of the future" and installed it on our machine. It was only there long enough for me to figure out how to disable it and reinstall Dos. Eventually, my crazy uncle upgraded us to PC-Dos (or, as I came to call it, Piece o' Crap Dos) 6.0 with the usual Windows 3.11 and all was seemingly alright with the universe.
I recall being so excited about getting a computer because I'd fallen in love with WC1 on the SNES, and I couldn't wait to play it, and all of its sequels, on PC. I first got wc3, then a copy of wc2 (and my dad couldn't understand why I wanted to go "backwards" by playing a game that came before it) and then wc1 on floppy disk, only to discover that 75 megahertz was way too bloody fast to play wc1.
My best friend and I decided to hold out against Windows 95 for as long as we could. We held to Dos until just after the release of the Kilrathi Sage. We called ourselves the Dosketeers. :: sigh :: I miss those days. Games were better back then. Privateer, Pirates! Gold, Castles II, Jagged Alliance, Sherlock Holmes (from EA, no less), Worms . . . the list just keeps on going.