Crossovers: Your opinions?

I am pretty sure that the alien and predator franchises were owned by diferent companies, one of the reason why the movie took so long to come out.

Here is a crossover video game that I read about, Star Wars vs Star Trek, I think it used the Armada II engine. That was a while ago though.
I think cross-overs are kinda like cross-dressers. *some* people find them exciting and exotic. The *rest of us* think they're pretty stupid.

Though, there was that Flintstones/Jetsons cross-over. It was okay.
t.c.cgi said:
Star Trek Generations (I'm assuming you're refering to the movie since I know of nothing else by the name) is NOT a crossover. Everything is based on the same Star Trek universe on the same Star Trek timeline. A crossover is when you take two *different* universes and merge them.

Point taken. I guess two different time periods in the same universe isn't much.

psych said:
If you are going to make a crossover, do this if nothing else, put the TCS Washington in your story! I mean, it's mentioned in the Kilrathi Saga manual, and we can't neglect anything named after good ol' George Washington. We can make it the CIC flagship too

HEH! Yeah, and it can have flak cannons that fire dictionaries which explode into razor-sharp pages with the definition of the word "polymer" written all over them! The cats won't know what hit 'em!
John Lithgow as Roberta Muldoon in The World According to Garp was an interesting crossover. :D