Crippling Bug, or what?


I've recently finished Episode 2 (great job, guys!). It's been good so far, but for a while now my guns have a very annoying problem. Every 1 out of 2 to 2 to 3 times I click the fire button, the guns refuse to fire, even if I have no damage whatsoever and my energy is fully charged. Any explanation? (This happens in game and in the Sim)
I've never heard of that bug before... does it happen on all the ships, no matter what guns you're using? (Also, are you playing with the keyboard like Superhannes?)

It could be some glitch in our no-single-guns patch, we'd have to check that.
Well, I tried it with a keyboard, but couldn't replicate this problem.

I still recommend switching to the mouse, though :).
I've tried with single guns, full guns, every ship, and i'm using my Joystick. I even played Unknown Enemy, and didn't have this problem, so it's not the Joystick.
Hmmm. Then it's either something about our gun patch, or something to do with your guns getting damaged faster than in UE :p
That having been said, whatever the problem is, unfortunately we most likely won't be able to help you with it. It's nearly impossible to fix an issue that you yourself cannot replicate.