Coolest WC-moment... Well, I'll get there eventually. Sit tight.
My first contact with Wing Commander was actually Privateer 2. A friend bought it back when it was new (like, the dawn o' time!

), completely awesome. He had his neighbour over, and we tried, relatively desperately, to advance the plot. Or something. We tried to go to Crius, but hadn't worked out those 'NAV-points', or whatever they were/are. So, manual flight all the way to Crius! WOOOOOOOOOOO! And when we get there, we approach the planet... 'yaddayadda you'll burn up.' WTF? Naturally, we were an expanding ball of flame merely seconds after that. No pirates or anything.

So when they (I had no part in it) finally figured out how to land, WHEEEEEEEEY! That was neat! They also found out how those... um, points worked.
A while later (like, four years later), I found Prophecy. Whooooooa! The music sounded awesome! Yeehaw! Worship! And the atmosphere during the first mission when the Nephilim popped up, WOW! (Hey, stop laughing at me back there!) After a bundle of missions Blair just had to mention some stuff I felt I had to find more information about... Tolwyn, destruction of Kilrah... Angel. Familiar? Well, anyway, I just HAD to find the other WC-games after that, didn't I? So, off I went. Found WC3/4 pretty much instantly (another friend insisted, I think), and then we went home to my place, installed, fired up (old/extinct P100 with VESA, or whatever WC3 preferred to use). Holiness! While neither WC3 or WC4 impressed me at first, they grew on me like fungi, and now I rank them among the very best space-sims/shooters I've ever played. But... now I had to find out about the Concordia. Found WC2 a fair while later (Joy to the universe!), and then I had to find out about the Tiger's Claw. *Sigh* Well, anyway, when I was visiting my granny in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw It: Wing Commander 1, Hit Squad-package, new! BUY! I'll just chuck in a little blasphemy here: the first two games didn't grow on me as well as 3/4.
Somewhere in between all that I laid hands on Privateer Gold. (I had, of course played P2 to the end and back a few times by then.) Holy sharktooth! There was enough adrenaline in that endeavour to cover a whole year's need! The music threw a nice ambience at me, so did the rest of the game. Laying hands on the jumpdrive in Privateer... and getting all the way to New Detroit... Wow. Just wow. Finding the Gun has to be the coolest WC-moment for me, though. All of a sudden I'm hunted by some green badass egg! Híjole! Well, I suppose it came in handy by punching a hole through whatever hostile was tagging along behind me (imagine that: inconsiderate, indiscriminate AI), but still sort of scary, in its own way. And the fights in the asteroid-fields... Rock an' roll!

And then there was another time when a Militia-fighter helped me against Retros in an asteroid-field... Really touching. And then the dumb fuck hit a rock.