Concordia's sister

Actually, the TCS Wolfhound is the Tiger's Claw's sister ship. She's mentioned a few times in End Run and apparently made it through the novel without any serious damage.
Thanks WildWeasel I got my great Carriers mixed up, Thats what happens I guess when you post after working too many hours.
I've always wondered where the Wolfhound was during the BoT, though. Anyone got any ideas?

The Concordia's sistership would be the TCS Confederation... which may or may not be the carrier from the WC2 box cover.
Originally posted by Eder
I've always wondered where the Wolfhound was during the BoT, though. Anyone got any ideas?


BoT = Final battle in Fleet Action? If so, it was probably still in mothballs. Remember, just prior to the battle everything was stripped except corvettes and other light patrol craft... and MANY Confed personnel sent home, or to bars, either way not going to be easy to round them all up in short notice. Their fleet was horribly short handed, even with what little delaying the did (and the retreating to preserve what the DID have). Thats if it wasn't totalled in the time between End Run and Fleet Action...
Yeah, my guess is that it was still in mothballs too. I think that if it had gone down between ER and FA there'd be some mention of the event somewhere...

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The Concordia's sistership would be the TCS Confederation... which may or may not be the carrier from the WC2 box cover.

I thought the carrier on the box was the Concordia....

I believe WC2 books say it is a new class all on it's own. I could be wrong though. Just going from memory.

Well this was suposed to be under a differant thread. Don't know how I messed that up but for some reason it wont let me delete it