Computer game quotes

It's pretty obvious, the guy who "Ruffles and Feathers" and "Hail to the Chief" plays for whenever he walks into a room. I just borrowed an old Snake Plisskin\Escape from New York quote. Here, this might interest you. A web site full of these zany quotes.
Bad Dudes! What a game! I liked the ending. I don't remember the exact quotes, but it was something along the line of "Thanks dudes, let's go get a hamburger to celebrate."

Oh... and I believe the quote "Why do you keep touching me?" was from a WarCraft 1 footman.

Here's a quote I've always liked. When reccommended that he evacuate the premesis...

"Idiot... What does he think I'm doing!?" -Material Defender, Descent. (A Pyro GX would've been cool in the WC world)
Here's a few of Claire from Code Veronica that had me cracking up.

"You must be one of Umbrella's lower ranked employees to be in command of a backwards base like this." To Alfred when he proudly states he is the commander of the base. she is promptly shot at for this.

“Do you want me to take care of this for you, little boy?" If you run back to Claire when playing as Steve.

"Alfred. Crossdressing freak!" Through a pretty convolted storyline, Alfred went to the most extreme lengths to have her sister seem real, and he shows up here to hijack the plane Claire's on.

Hey, I'm getting a pair of Colonel eagles soon. I can almost taste them.
Wedge009 said:
Sorry, LowlyDog, but you're wrong on that count.

SPEECH.TRE\IFCOMMS\00220128.XA says: "We haven't been properly introduced: I'm Maestro. You're dead."

D'oh! I am such an idiot. Overmortal will testify to that.
TheLowlyDog said:
D'oh! I am such an idiot. Overmortal will testify to that.

Well, you certainly do have your moments. You remind me of a guy I went to highschool with . . . sometimes just too silly for his own good. But, anyway, carry on.
overmortal said:
Well, you certainly do have your moments. You remind me of a guy I went to highschool with . . . sometimes just too silly for his own good. But, anyway, carry on.

Well, err....that was overmortal, everybody!
*presses applause button*

I'll add something else to the list...
"Oh damn, oh damn....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Dallas' death quote, WCP.
Here's a quote for a video game, Hitman to be precise.

"Remember that kid in first grade who pulled other kids’ hair and punched people who wouldn’t give him the toys he wanted? He grew up to be a loser, and if he’s still alive today, he’s rotting in jail with about 20 sprogs waiting for him in the outside world. Remember the kid who didn’t say anything from first grade till the end of school, who sat by himself every lunch time and who spent his time mesmerised by the remains of crushed bugs under his shoes? He grew up and became Mr 47, the main protagonist of the Hitman games."
"Wonderful" is actually what he says. Heh, Angel had some cool quotes when keeping the troops in line.

"I can give this assignment to Jazz if you prefer, Maverick."

"And remember, Stingray… we run garbage shuttles from this ship daily!"

"Jazz, you may fly the mission or you may scrub the Flight Deck. Your decision, monsieur?"

Yeah, she owns.
TheLowlyDog said:
Well, err....that was overmortal, everybody!
*presses applause button*

Actually, that guy was about three times my size (and I'm no small person!). His name was/is Michael. I think he's in jail now. He reminded me of a less intelligent Sid Vicious. . . without the drugs. . . and without Nancy Spungen. . . and not punk . . oh, shut the fuck up, Over Mortal.
Here's a caption for Raven Shield from the May 2003 PC Games Addict. All I can say is if this was real life is :D :D :D :D


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