
Ronin Fox

I'm trying to compile a list of compliments that your wingmen give in combat. So far, I've got Hawk's ("D*mn good move, Colonel!"), Seether's ("Not bad, Colonel.") and Catscratch's (my favorite: "You are a living legend, Colonel!"). Does anybody remember what Maniac, Vagabond and Panther say? I've been complimented by them before, but I failed to write it all down. Oh, and what about the things they say when you fire at them by accident? Hawk and Panther say "Watch your aim, Colonel!" and Seether says "Trying to get my attention, Colonel?" (which I find somewhat amusing). I'm gonna play the game again later to find out what the others say. It's little things like this that help make it a heckuva lot of fun...
I don't have the saved games or anything with me, but remember that Maniac's version of a compliment is usually an insult. In wc1 for instance he says "Hey! That was my kill!". Good luck on the list :)
maniac wcp; pretty good shooting...for a pleebe"
one i like in wcp after he made a kill;
"yeah eat your heart out blair!"

hobbes wc3; "Impressive shot my friend"
In WCP Maniac also says: "Wow, I'm almost impressed"
And I think Zero's compliment is that "damn, wish I had a camera" line.
i think in wcp they had some lines which they "trashed" and ended up in the sim...coz if u notice they use different compliments in the sim

in wc3 flash had "not bad for a dinosaur"
but i love hawk's for a kill "Look at them burn!"

y don't u take a look at the wc3 and wc4 scripts that they have on this site - at the bottom after all the playscreen script there are all the inflight communications
wingmen complements

Originally posted by Ronin Fox
I'm trying to compile a list of compliments that your wingmen give in combat. So far, I've got Hawk's ("D*mn good move, Colonel!"), Seether's ("Not bad, Colonel.") and Catscratch's (my favorite: "You are a living legend, Colonel!"). Does anybody remember what Maniac, Vagabond and Panther say? I've been complimented by them before, but I failed to write it all down. Oh, and what about the things they say when you fire at them by accident? Hawk and Panther say "Watch your aim, Colonel!" and Seether says "Trying to get my attention, Colonel?" (which I find somewhat amusing). I'm gonna play the game again later to find out what the others say. It's little things like this that help make it a heckuva lot of fun...

From the WC3 official guide (high morale / low morale):

Lt. Laurel "Cobra" Buckley: Good move, sir. / Nice one, Colonel

1st Lt. Jace "Flash" Dillon: Not bad for a dinosaur. / Wow... I'm really impressed...

Lt. Robin "Flint" Peters: You really nailed him. / One for the books, sir.

Col. Ralgha "Hobbes" nar Hhallas: Impressive shot, my friend. (no low morale for Hobbes)

Maj. Todd "Maniac" Marshal: Lucky shot, ace. / Hey! That was my kill!

Lt. Winston "Vagabond" Chang: That's some fine shootin', sir. / Not bad, Colonel.

Lt. Mitchel "Vaquero" Lopez: Excellent shot, sir! / Nice work, Colonel.

From the WC4 official strategy guide:

Maniac: Not bad... for a dinusaur (or Pretty good shootin'... for a farmer) / Hey! Not bad... for an earthworm.

Vagabond: Haven't lost your touch, Colonel. / Lookin' mighty fine, good buddy.

2nd Lt. Troy "Catscratch" Carter: You are a living legend, Colonel. / Awesome shot, sir.

Col. Jacob "Hawk" Manley: Damn good move, Colonel. / Nice one, Colonel.

Col. Tamara "Panther" Farnsworth: Great shot, Colonel! / Nice work.

Unfortunately, they discontinued the practice of including the phrases used by pilots, in the WCP manual, and it's been too long since I've played to remember any of the complements.

(Oh, and I'm back, by the way...)
Re: wingmen complements

Originally posted by Death
Hey! Not bad... for an earthworm.
Hey, I'm very insulted with this thing.... Earthworms can fly as well as anyone, and we have our own secret special attack.:)

Unfortunately, they discontinued the practice of including the phrases used by pilots, in the WCP manual, and it's been too long since I've played to remember any of the complements.
You can use the taunt editor, whatever the hell it's called, to see different coms from your wingman and bugs...
There are a couple of comms from Maestro that I never worked out: "Splits the uprights!" and "Hey! Pick on someone your own... uh, never mind."