Chronicles of Riddick

I know they weren't the same actor, I checked the credits and compared it to the Fifth Element cast list when I got home. I was just wondering if other people thought they looked similar.

Yeah, Dracula was a pretty big pansy.
What do people think of Skycaptain and the World of Tommorow. I saw a preview for it and I saw Angelina, and I thought, eyepatch, hell she looks like Honor Harrington.
BlackJack2064 said:
What do people think of Skycaptain and the World of Tommorow. I saw a preview for it and I saw Angelina, and I thought, eyepatch, hell she looks like Honor Harrington.
THAT'S the name of that movie that stole the Final Fantasy music that we were talking about earlier! Yeah, I won't be wasting my money on that one...
BlackJack2064 said:
What do people think of Skycaptain and the World of Tommorow. I saw a preview for it and I saw Angelina, and I thought, eyepatch, hell she looks like Honor Harrington.

Just don't say that around David Weber, if you value your life.

(DW is really unfond of AJ, for reasons I forget off the top of my head.)
The only previews of Skycaptain that I can remember has the theme from Stargate the movie.

I am not to fond of AJ lol. I almost whipped my dad when he bought Tomb Raider 2.
Hmmm, I initially thought this thread was a satire about the recent news developments concerning one-time heavyweight boxing champ Riddick Bowe. Oh well.
Movies generally use 'stock' music in their trailers, since a film score is generally one of the last things finished in a movie production. Sky Captain won't use (Final Fantasy/Stargate) music in the finished film.

My two cents says it looks like a fun movie... I don't have anything against Angelina Jolie (though I didn't think she was a good choice for Lara Croft).
actually, if you disqualify Angelina Jolie, I'm not sure who would make a better Lara Croft (among major *name* actresses, anyway)...
It might have been a better idea to go with a non-major name actress. It worked ok for X-Men. I don't know. I guess it could have bombed either way. The script/plot wasn't exactly the greatest.

As an update, in this weeks Best Buy flier there's an ad for a newer DVD version of Pitch Black that was just released. The ad calls it the "prequel" to Chronicles. I guess that means this is a direct sequel to PB.
Chronicles of Riddick is a sequel to PB where he returns to the planet where he was previously imprisoned. While there, he has flashbacks to before (thus the prequel rumors).... Thats what I've heard anyways.

And Vin isn't in XXX2. I think the guy has promise for choosing not to do F and F 2 and same with XXX2
Ok, now I'm really confused.

In gamespots review of the XBOX movie tie in game, they say that the game is a prequel to the PB. Actually, they say that everything in the game happens before that movie. Then they don't exactly come out and say it, but they make it sound like the new movie is also a prequel to PB. Is there any place we can get a synopsis of the story for the new movie?
Too bad for your theory, Dingo, that Diesel did agree to do F&F 3.

May anyone involved with any of the three F&F movies burn in hell.