Chapter XII - Solo

Okay, I'm still a little confused. Just for the record, I have two Wing Commander stories: one finished, one underway. Tooth and Claw is around here somewhere, and Band of Brothers is the one I'm working on now.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited July 04, 2000).]
JoeyRP said:
Dralthi5: My apologies. I'd like to backtrack to earlier chapters. Do you still have them? Thanks!

I've, also, just realized that I was looking at the wrong story!

I should have kept the other one in another file.
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Dralthi5: Got 'em and nibbling away!

Dumbfire missiles fly a straight path, don't they? Nor do they set-off missile lock warning systems. However, they are visible on your radar the moment they are launched.

Super Ferrets did'nt appear until later, circa SO1

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Well you know, it's funny you should mention that
. In WC2, I frequently hear missile lock alerts while fighting Drakhri or Sartha - and they only have dumbfires
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Which makes it okay for me to have the warning go off w/ DumbFires.

<sigh> My Ferrets have missiles don't they? How could I have overlooked that? Well, it's too late to go back and change it now. Maybe I can say it's a local job by Rachael or something.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited July 07, 2000).]
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No you can't
. Rachel's straight out of mech school. But I don't recall anything about missile carrying Ferrets. I think I would've bugged you about that if it had happened... hmm...
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Well, there is something about missile-carrying Ferrets. First chapter, actually.
Okay, Chief Tech Bob Holland, or someone, put 'em in. I dunno.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited July 08, 2000).]
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<Gasp> Oh no, so there is! Changeitchangeitchangeit!
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I wasn't really serious... I mean, if the techs have a few hours spare, it could be done... just a matter of adding missile thingies, and changing the ship's weapons computer. It would be very time consuming, but if they were to... borrow... some of the spare parts for the Epees, it could theoretically be done. Of course, the Ferret's performance would suffer.
Well, you've read Ch. 6 by now. You know what's going on with that.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
Hey Q, does mech school have tuition? The reason I ask is I was wondering how she'd put herself through it.
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. I see what you mean, and quite frankly, I just don't want to know
. What she does in her... uh... spare time... is her choice. But hey, it's like Maniac said - doesn't take any high risk manoeuvres.
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Quarto said:
I wasn't really serious... I mean, if the techs have a few hours spare, it could be done... just a matter of adding missile thingies, and changing the ship's weapons computer. It would be very time consuming, but if they were to... borrow... some of the spare parts for the Epees, it could theoretically be done. Of course, the Ferret's performance would suffer.

The Super Ferret P-64B was slower, due to the added hardware and ordnance. I've noticed this in SO1, while flying with Stingray.
BTW: Chris Roberts experimented with Strike Commander to bring about a more realistic flight into WC3 like, less fuel/ payload the faster you go.
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No it doesn't. The Super Ferret has the same speed parameters as the P-64C. It's also got improved manoeuvrability, though it sacrifices manoeuvrability (let's see if you can work that one out
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<LI>&gt;sticking his hands out&lt; - How about stretching instead?
<LI>&gt;into it in this&lt; - Consider rewording somehow.
<LI>&gt;He frowned, feeling strange, jagged holes beneath his fingers.&lt; - Sounds like he felt strange and not the jagged holes were strange.
<LI>&gt;three such holes along the top of the handle, and one on the bottom.&lt; - I wonder if the Kilrathi were declawed or something.
<LI>&gt;but fairly smoothly.&lt; - How about "quite smoothly" to avoid yet another ly word.
<LI>&gt;“Isn’t this what we had actually been here for?”&lt; - Come here for?
<LI>&gt;Colonel Taggart would fulfil his promise.&lt; - Promises are usually kept.
<LI>&gt;Afterwards, his suit would keep him alive for a few more hours,&lt; - Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't one eject in a suit from a Scimitar, suggesting it would provide life support for more than just a few hours - otherwise there's no point in having that water built in if you sufficate faster than you dehydrate.
<LI>&gt;Life only happens once, and it doesn’t repeat itself.&lt; - Heh. That's what he thinks.
<LI>&gt;then pure hell would start.&lt; - You don't mean "all hell would break lose?"
<LI>&gt;Weaver didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he had, but simply didn’t understand?&lt; - Could use a shorter pause than a full-stop to tie those two sentences together.
<LI>&gt;“Why haven’t you killed me while I was asleep?”&lt; - Um. Why didn't he?
<LI>&gt;but custom is custom, after all.&lt; - LOL! You know lemmings have a custom of jumping off cliffs en masse every now and then.
<LI>&gt;Usually, a combat pilot has no time for fear.&lt; - Or perhaps takes it for granted as it gets lost in the adrenaline rush of complete, well trained control?
<LI>&gt;There was nothing he could think about to take his attention off the upcoming fight.&lt; - Hmm. I'd write "There was nothing he could think of to draw his attention away from the upcoming fight." But that's just me.
<LI>&gt;to get within ten thousand,&lt; - Klicks?
<LI>&gt;One could study Humans or the Kilrathi for a lifetime, and still have much to learn.&lt; - Sure took him a while to figure out the obvious.
<LI>&gt;At long last, it had begun.&lt; - The beginning of the end.

<LI>&gt;Captain Rolphe,&lt; - Heh. He's not a canine who plays the piano is he?

<LI>&gt;I will not move to give you a clear shot.&lt; - Honorable death in honorable combat and all that. Bleagh.
<LI>&gt;You talk to your enemy for a few minutes, and suddenly you wish you weren’t enemies.&lt; - And yet he remains the enemy still. Makes you wonder dunnit?
<LI>&gt;looking in the direction where the two destroyers were at last coming into gun range.&lt; - Um, I thought the Hha'ka was already destroyed by that time?

Aye, the fight was a tad abrupt but such were the circumstances. Each had certainly waited long enough to commence the duel. It would have been nice to see more cap-ship battle detail but I guess there wasn't much the crippled Hha'ka could really do.
Now I do think you are starting to overdo the sleeping/dreaming thing, though I take it there'll be no more of that before the end of the book since there's hardly room enough for it.
That Comms Officer isn't a little nervous because she used to be a test pilot is she?

Overall an odd chapter. I didn't nit pick very heavily, but it was written well enough and I had to concentrate to proof read and not get too drawn into the story. You kept the tension up well and I thought the ending was completely apropriate. I hate stories where everything goes fine 100% of the time. The more subtle twists the better.
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Here's my page entry for the Ferret:
Ferret-Class Patrol Fighter
Length 10.2 meters
Mass 10.5 metric tonnes
Max. Velocity 500 kps
Cruise Velocity 360 kps
Acceleration Good
Max Afterburner Velocity 1400 kps
Max. YPR 80/90/80 dps (80/80/90 P-64D)
Guns: 2 Gatling Mass Driver Cannons
Missile Hardpoints None, 2 HS (P-64D)
Front Shield 6 cm durasteel equiv.
Rear Shield 6 cm durasteel equiv.
Shield Recharge Rate 2 cm/sec
Front Armor 6.5 cm durasteel
Rear Armor 6.5 cm durasteel
Right/Left Armor 4.5 cm durasteel
Ferrets are basically hallowed out tree truncks that a pilot sits in and hopes to avoid getting hit long enough to gun down any opposition. Ferrets were designed to simplify maintenance and be cheap enough to run that thousands may be in service at any one time.
The Super Ferret (P-64D) has improved some systems in addition to 2 HS missiles for added firepower. No ITTS in either model. It has been rumored that some Ferrets have been fitted with jump engine technology. No such craft have been reported to Confed HQ.
'Bout tyme!

1. Agreed.
2. Hmm. Yes, I agree, but I just can't think of anything.
3. I guess both were. I don't think it really matters if the reader gets confused about this, so I'll leave it.
4. Whatever do you mean?
I rather doubt they would have been. Their claws might be retractable though.
5. Aye, will do
6. A point.
7. True.
8. Hmm... well, a few hours can be anything from two to ten
. Also, note that they didn't eject just in the suit - they ejected with the whole seat. The suit itself can't keep someone alive for more than about an hour. It's the chair that contains the main oxygen supply (and the water supply). The chair also contains the main battery for the suit's thermal regulator (which again, has a separate one, but of very limited durability). The point is, unless the system is fully charged up - from the Scim's power plant - it won't do much good. However, because the system is so old and worn out, the battery cannot be fully charged up. All in all, the Scim and all its backup systems are on the verge of giving out - the designers had never even considered the possibility of such abuse as the ship has gone through. Normally, fighters are fully repaired, charged up, and refueled after every mission.

10. No, I don't
. I mean, I could mean it, but it's a cliche. I know it sounds a bit better, but I'd rather stick with mine.
11. True. It's now an ellipsis.
12. Aye, agreed.
13. Exactly
. No Confederation would ever force the lemmings to discontinue the custom
14. Whatever it is that actually happens, all they know is that they don't notice the fear. Besides, I did mention that they channel it into action, didn't I?

15. Hmm, yes, I agree. It does sound a tad better.
16. Yes, klicks. Dunno why it got skipped.
17. The obvious things usually do

19. Dunno. If he is though, that's his business, innit?

20. Well, it's only fair. It wouldn't be very nice of Weaver to do otherwise.
21. Aye, it does. I remember seeing a rather interesting photo in a book about WWI once. It was subtitled "British and German soldiers exchanging cigarettes during the Christmas truce, 1915."
22. Oh shit!
That sentence shouldn't be there
. It's the leftover from a previous edit.
There, changed it. It's now **looking in the direction where the victorious destroyer was slowing to a halt.**

Yes, the circumstances were somewhat abrupt. As for the capships - well, even if the Hha'ka had been able to do anything, Weaver was far too busy to even notice them. In WC2, there are several missions where capships fight each other - and I always find myself saying, "Damn it, I missed the explosion again!"

There is just a tiny bit of dreaming left, but it's only to wrap the dreams up
The Comms Officer is actually just another anonymous character
. Much like Rolphe and the rest of the destroyer crew, her sole purpose in life was to make this chapter more complete

I actually think that a safe landing would have been just as appropriate - but I've had this planned out for so long that there was no way I would've changed it when I finally got there.

The last chapter and epilogue should be here towards the end of the week. I'm just trying to finish off one scene, and then I've got one more. Almost there...
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