Change disk images under ddhack


Hi all, I am running WC3-KS fine under windows 7 x64 with ddhack. Works great except for one thing. I run the game from iso-images of the original KS CD's, mounted with Daemon Tools lite. I cannot change the image while ddhack is active (I cannot Alt-Tab to other windows, it stays with the WC3 window ), so further play is not possible. Has anybody a solution for this so I can continue my crusade against the Kilrathi?


Huh, not something I noticed, the simplest thing would be to burn those pesky iso's to CD (though a more elegant solution would be nice) I'll have a look later on and see if it affects just you!
Some things to try:
* Mount all 4 CDs at the same time, but to different drive letters
* Try to press CTRL+ESC instead of ALT+TAB. This often works where tabbing out doesn't.
* Assign a keyboard shortcut (via a 3rd party program if necessary) that can remount the image
Thx guys, I tried your suggestions:

- I didn't burn the iso's, because I have the original CD's. But I'd like to play the game wherever I want without hauling all the CD's, that's why I'm trying to use images.

- I tried to mount the 4 CD's in 4 different virtual drives. That seemed to go OK. I loaded the game, and died in the first mission. The game asks for KS CD 4 (for the burial sequence), and to my joy it ran the sequence allright. However my joy was shortlived, because after this sequence I got an error when returning to the game, saying that there was no CD in the drive (although all 4 iso's where still in the same virtual drives).

- CTRL+ESC gave the same problems as ALT+TAB: I couldn't access any other window.

- I tried to switch CD's with the inbuilt hotkey function of Daemon Tools Lite, but after I use it, it opens a window where you can choose which iso to load next. Due to the original problem I couldn't access this window. Are there any third party programs that let you circulate through 4 images in Daemon tools like the CTRL+F4 function in DOSBox? I couldn't find them.

I tried to run KS-WC3 without the ddhack and there was no problem with ALT-Tabbing to other windows (although the colours were totally corrupted). So the problem must be due to something within ddhack.