Camera questions

Iceblade said:
Also, there is another problem and this one I am sending to you. The Ship_setOrienation function is not working properly and I'm not sure why. I have 3 fighters that are added during the cutscene and their orientations are reset to the same three values (0, 270, 0) What occurs is that all three (which start out with the same default orienation) turn to different orientations. First one goes 90, the second goes 180, and the last goes 270. This makes no sense to me and I don't see any other causes for this.

I'm having trouble understanding this one, its hard to see which 3 ships you are talking about on screen. Can you explain in detail this again, and how I can see it in your cutscene. At the end all I see is a few fighters fly left to right, and I can't tell if that's good or bad.
Sorry, it's the three piranhas that appear above the cerberus and :( ... oh :( I forgot that the cerberus way taller than the Ranger. Alright, I'll just send all the necessary craft (except for the Dauntless as it is just in the background.
Thanks, that last attachment helped me see what was going on.

New rule: If you're going to script any ship's movement, be sure to disable its AI first.

You forgot to do this:

function Relentless()
-- eddie added
Ship_setAIEnabled("Relentless", false);

See if that helps. I can't wait to see this cutscene when its all working.

While you're at it, you might want to name your player character in your campaign.xml file, look at my example campaigns to see how.
The capship wasn't the issue. Its the three epees labeled DCap that are above the Relentless thats the problem. They aren't following the setorientation script correctly.
Alright, I know that nothing can be done about this until beta-testing is completed, but the player's ship is not visible when the camera looks at it. *note, I am refering to the scriptable camera*

PS beta d/l at 43% :p
Hee hee, actually I'd like to get this resolved before I release, now is the time definitely to work with it. I'll let you try it with the beta. Are you still having orientation problems as well?
Just added a

Ship_setVisible(string shipid, bool visible);

function, try that on the player.

I'll send over a new binary, to be installed on top of the beta, probably.
Sounds good. I'll paste this new exe over the beta's when it is downloaded, which should be in a few minutes. Will have to wait until tomorrow, though, to do much beta-testing.