I've only skimmed over your previous posts, but if you don't have any serious prior offenses you're still really unlikely to do any jail time for something like that assuming your jails are as crowded as California's. In our local jails, even serious violent offenders are often in and out again on 'own recognizance' within 24 hours. If for some reason you actually do get locked up for a while, you can consider yourself lucky if you only have yourself to talk to, with the types of folks that make their home there. You don't bring anything with you inside, your clothes and any personal belongings are stored and returned to you upon release.
Community service, fines, loss of driving privileges, and extended or more restrictive probation are the more likely result.
Yup. You get processed and strip searched...loads of fun. The fact that your on probation already won't help either.

You can talk to your lawyer and insist on higher fines in exchange for no jail time. Try to keep your past crap out of it if possible. Your priors are always taken into account and most small town court judges can't stand reciticism...(repeat offenderes) or peep that get into trouble alot. But if you only got 30 days, and you don't lose your good time in New York (and most other states) you only serve 2/3'rds of your sentance...so 30days=20 days.
Or you can ask for weekends if you are employed. Weekends is just a thing were instead of doing the entire stretch at once you turn yourself in at like 5PM on Friday and they let you out at 5pm on Sunday. Only thing that sucks about that is that you never get out of classification. So you spend the entire time in lockdown. You get out to take a shower and use the phone ONCE a day.
They take everything from you when you go in....Newspapers are normally avalible and you can ask the other inmates or CO's for books and magazines. If you smoke your screwed; it's not allowed in county. All you'll watch is MTV/BET since it's "majority rules" in jail in most of the punks and wanna begansters watch nothing but that stuff.
You'll have lots of people to talk to...or the'll just talk. What you/they did. How much time, chicks they did...macho crap. They'll try to gets names...people you may know in common. Usual stuff. It's boreing as hell....you might be able to play cards. Seen perverts tormented...one good thing about jail. They're held in even lower regaurd then muderers.
Sleep, reading (donated romance novels seemed very prevolent), and MTV pass the time.
Classification is the most boreing thing in the world and the hardest time. It's bassicaly solitary. You'll get a TB shot, looks like a blister and after a couple of days they'll say if your positive or not. In that time they'll decide if you'll go in a "bull pen" with a dozen or so other guys or you may get your own cwell depending on the facility. Bring money and put it in your comensary so you can buy deoderant, shampoo (they don't give you that stuff). They'll give you one of those plastic toats to put your stuff in, a blanket, pillow, pillow case, 2 sheets, a toothbrush, toothpast, bar of soap, and the rules book which you'll read cover to cover just to kill time.
Whatever you do DO NOT say you have ANY thoughts of suicide or that your depressed. If you do they'll strip you naked and give you a "gumby suit" and 2 matresses. The gumby suit is basically 2 exercise mats and your in the middle. You lay on the one matress and the secound is your blanket.
Good luck and keep us posted.