Bandit LOAF
Long Live the Confederation!
Just a couple of numbers that I'm sure your not aware of, the US Army stands at a magnificant 250,000(approx.) with nuclear weapons etc. The Korean Army stands at over 1 MILLION troops etc. seems to me that the US Army would be out numbered if they decided to take on Korea (though I doubt Bush would take on Korea since they supposedly have nuclear weapons)
And that might have mattered in 1940... (G) War isn't won through amount of soldiers anymore - the United States outclasses North Korea technologically by several orders of magnitude. Look at the first Gulf War - Iraq was supposed to have the third largest army in the world... and the war ended very quickly with very limited American casualties because 'largest army in the world' meant they'd given everyone a stick and told them to sit in holes in the desert (G)
(From a straight out war sense, Korean nuclear weapons do not threaten the United States - Korea does not have ICBMs capable of firing nuclear weapons at the US. They can attack South Korea or Japan - which is why theoretical US/N. Korean conflicts generally involve a pre-emptive strike on the part of the Japanese...)