Bitchin an moanin

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My mistake- IR (as in ImageRec) is my fav missile as well. When I said IR I meant InfraRed. I guess I should have said HS, only I got it confused with the other flightsims I play.
Having recently finished the game I went back to play it all again but harder, and everything was just primitive! I launch a HS right behind my target and it still misses!
You just have to know when to use it.
Fire it right behind an enemy like you would a DF missile, only this one will turn a little if the target moves, unlike the DF. (though I have no problem hitting fighters with DF’s in Prophecy)

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Hm, your DF missiles that you fire at the fighters in Prophecy get shot down by turrets on capships? The only missiles that are ever shot down when I’m playing are the stupid anti-turret missiles, and sometimes the torps (only by the rear turret on the Triton).

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Earthworm: Fire your HARMs at a turret that's not shooting at you.

What's annnoying about WCP? Head on pass. Both of us fire missiles & guns. My missile gets shot down. The bugs missile doesn't. Grrrrrrr.

Politician: "We need a consultant to look at making cost savings in the power sector."
Aide: "How much do we need to save?"
Politician: "The consultant's huge fee for a start."
The Politician by David Fletcher.
Missiles, missiles, missiles. They should rename those things missers.

They get shot down Earthworm when I shoot at those huge Vaktoths. I usually don't hae problems the the capships. Those guns wouldn't be an issue if I dind't have fighters shooting at me.

Did somebody paint a big bullseye on my butt?
Death's Head, why were you shoting at Vaktohs in Prophecy?

Peungin, I realy can't see in which direction is the turret firing when I'm about 7,000 klick away from it. Anyhow, both DF's and RP's work much better against turrets than those "turreet killers"

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Earthworm... In that post it was quite obvious that he wasn't talking about Prophecy and you know it...


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
No it wasn't. We were talking about Prophecy missiles, and than he comes and says his missiles are shot down by the turrets.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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That's bad. Would you believe me if I told you that those programs are actually very easy to use?
<sigh> And that's why people should learn DOS...

Right, follow me step by step.

1. Switch on the MS DOS prompt.

2. Go to whatever directory you have Priv in. I'm assuming that this is where you've got TREMAN.

2. Type in: treman gameflow.tre
[This will open the gameflow.tre file. For other files, you have to type treman, followed by their name]

3. You now have a sort of menu on screen. Type in the number that corresponds to the extract all files option. Once it's finished, exit.

4. You will now see that a new subdirectory has appeared in the priv directory. It's called DATA, and it contains everything from the gameflow.tre file. If you extract anything from other .tre files, it will also be thrown into the DATA directory, so I recommend you do this one .tre at a time, and then delete the files.

5. Copy WCNAV into one of the subdirectories in the DATA subdirectory, depending on which files you want to view (I'm afraid you're on your own when it comes to deciding which file is which).

6. Finally, when you decide which file to view, and have copied WCNAV into the right directory, type in wcnav, followed by the name of the file, like ship.v16

7. WCNAV should now list a series of different commands on the screen. Don't worry about learning all of these at once. For a start, you only need to know how to move to the next image ("."), back to the previous image (","), to switch to the correct palette ("3" or "4", maybe "5" but I'm not sure), and I guess you'll also want to extract files. That's "s". It'll save whatever's on the screen as a .bmp file. The name of the file will be wcnavxxx.bmp - xxx is a number. WCNAV never overwrites existing images.

And that's it. Press escape to exit. Questions?
OK, I got it working. Still not all of the things are there though, do you know of any screenshot programs for DOS games?

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 05, 2000).]
Quarto, can I use that thing with WC1 and WC2 KS? If so on which files do I need to use the TREMAN?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Re: Priv - What's still not working? I know that some files are not decoded properly, and for others, there is no proper palette. I'm sure Matrix will fix that... Eventually.

Re: KSaga WC 1 and 2 - Yes, WCNAV does work. Here, you don't need to use TREMAN at all, since it doesn't use .TRE's. For WC 1 and 2, WCNAV basically reads all the files with the .V* extention (the * usually means either a number, or "GA" - as in, .VGA). Note that some of these are not detected properly, and will give you a blank screen. That's ok. Just press "1", and then it seems to work ok. Of course in WC 2, you then also have to press "2", to switch to the correct palette. Anyway, I suggest you read the text file that came with WCNAV, read the stuff WCNAV tells you when you start it up, and then experiment with the different commands. Remember, WCNAV does not do anything to those files, so nothing you do can hurt them.
Re: Priv - What's still not working? I know that some files are not decoded properly, and for others, there is no proper palette. I'm sure Matrix will fix that... Eventually.

There are many things in Priv that I want to take screenshots off (like on planet or a space station) but I can't find those anywhere in all those folders in the Data folder.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
I can remember where those are (you do mean ON, as in inside, right?), but it won't help you much. Those are amongst the pictures not decoded correctly...

It's really time for me to go to sleep...
Yup, those are the ones I want.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 06, 2000).]
Pilots, I'm disappointed. When I saw 37 replies I thought there was actually something relevant to the topic. Here goes: The difference between Rookie and Vet difficulties is enormous! Missiles barely damage the craft when in Rookie I can blow them away in one go. And those bugs really piss me off when all they do is run when I'm on their tail. The AI there is severely lacking.
The only game I can talk about is Prophecy as it's all I got although I'm getting IV soon.
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