Birthday Bash Armada Style!

Or you can set your joystick to auto or fcs in the conf file and that should do it for you.

You have to use the fcs option, Armada won't calibrate with it set to auto. Or, at least it wouldn't calibrate for me when I set it up (just 1P, haven't fixed it up for MP just yet), using a Thrustmaster Top Gun Fox 2 Pro stick.
perhaps you have to configure joystick input yourself with auto as well... Ah well fcs works fine. In theory you can use the armada installer and turn on Thrustmaster and have hat switch with fcs but I have yet to get it to work.
Although it may be unnecessary for some now, I would also make sure you use the armadadb and pgdb files from HCl for joystick issues.
its not unnecessary to some, it is unnecessary to all and ensures that you must do a opposite step to everyone else by turning OFF timed as oppose to leaving it ON in a 3-D application.
And you still have to calibrate your joystick buttons to dosbox unless you select fcs.
I would certainly like too, but I can't really do it this weekend as that is the final couple of days before I'm back off to college and I have quite a bit to do, also I'd like to finish a composition so I have something to discuss in my first individual comp lesson. (I'm a music comp major) Perhaps next Sunday when I'm all settled in and all.

Thing is, now that I think about it, it may be difficult that weekend as well, but I will keep you all posted. (Truth is, I may have to comeback home that weekend, and if so, I most certainly will be traveling back during our normal time setup) Though true, even though I may not be able to be there, perhaps we can still set up another gathering and other people will be willing to join in as well.
Yeah this weekend I seriously doubt I will be able too. perhapse another weekend. I'll create a new thread when I know I won't be commuting back home. next week or the week after. Sorry :(