Chris Knudsen
Heh, yeah. My favorite point about the last Matrix movie, which my brother pointed out first, is the cat. That's probably the most genuinely clever thing in the original movie, where he sees the cat twice and they explain that the feeling of deja-vu is the Matrix resetting itself in some way. It's a really cool piece of writing because the audience reacts immediately... *I* feel that way and I can't explain it!
... then in the third movie we're instead told that *SEEING THAT CAT* means the Matrix is resetting itself. Clearly, clearly, clearly no matter what the credits say, the person who wrote the third movie didn't actually write - or understand - the first one.
Both Matrix sequels feel like bad fanfiction. The directors were clearly given much too free hands on account of the original Matrix being such a smash hit. I think "overindulgence" best describes the sequels...
As to time-travel movies: anybody seen Primer? It may not be entertaining sci-fi to a lot of people, but it is definitely good sci-fi!