Best Windows Platform?


I was curious as to what everyone thought was the best Windows edition to run Wing Commander? Right now I have Windows 7 which I'm sure is not very user friendly for running older games...I have DosBox installed as well, but from my understanding, that will only work for a few of the games. I've been contemplating using a dual boot system, but wasn't sure what other version of Windows to use? I have the Deluxe Versions of Wing Commander I & II, Wing Commander III and IV on CDs, and Wing Commander Academy on Floppy in case that helps. Also, I have Prophecy and Privateer I & II on CDs, but I need to dig them out. Any suggestions would be appreciated :)
Virtual PC (Win 7 I think comes with this as part of the OS) works great for old games. Unfortunately, quite a few games from the last decade won't work in Virtual PC if they have any significant graphical requirements. These require access to actual graphics card as opposed to the emulated one built into Virtual PC. Mostly it will be hit or miss with 2000s games. It is possible that recent improvements in Virtual PC allow better graphics emulation, but that is neither here nor there for Wing Commander.

Windows XP would be the best OS for Virtual PC as it has shown to be highly old-game compatible for anything 16 or 32 bit).
Unfortunately for Wing Commander I'm running a Phenom II X6 with a GTX 460 and 12 Gigs of RAM. Its a beast for newer games, but I worry about the problems I'll run into playing older games with this type of system :/. I was hoping that by running a dual boot and allocating a small amount of my system, that might help...however, I'm not tech savvy enough to know for sure...
Windows XP would be the best OS for Virtual PC as it has shown to be highly old-game compatible for anything 16 or 32 bit).

It depends on the windows 7 version, the starter edition does not allow me to install VPC, but if you can, I've read that it registers as a full official XP Pro version with SP3.

Just use an old XP pro or home license code from a computer you abondened in the attic(but is yours!), and install XP and the various onto a 16GB USB stick and leave your hard drive's win7 in peace, and set your system to boot from USB, note that not all hardware in your new PC might be supported by XP, but only think of your network card, graphics card and graphics card as important here. You should have enough room for XP, Some drivers, a virusscanner and the Windows-based WC games inthere. For the DOS-ones use dosbox under windows 7. If you want XP it would be only a matter of plugging and unplugging.

Ofcourse the above has not been tested by me yet(XP from a stick has), first I'm off to try to get standoff to run on my netbook.