Best superfighter

Which is the best "superfighter"?

  • Rapier (WC1)

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Morningstar (WC2)

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • Crossbow (WC2 - Bomber, but what the hell)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Excalibur (WC3)

    Votes: 25 41.7%
  • Dragon (WC4)

    Votes: 21 35.0%
  • Other (plz specify - go on, you know you want to)

    Votes: 6 10.0%

  • Total voters
I suppose it's because of the expense of the Dragons. After all, nothing but the best for the Black Lance... heh.
Seriously though... The Dragon class fighter is a bit advanced. though they were using it's technoligy in WCP (plasma cannon anyone?)
Originally posted by Manic
I suppose it's because of the expense of the Dragons. After all, nothing but the best for the Black Lance... heh.

Especially when someone else is picking up the tab. :) I don't imagine Confed would have been too happy when it found out where all the funds had gone.

Not only that, I don't think anyone would see the point in springing for a Dragon when a Vampire can out turn, outrun and outgun it, not to mention packing *three* times as many missiles. (32 warheads counting the trackers vs the Dragon's ten missiles.)

Seriously though... The Dragon class fighter is a bit advanced. though they were using it's technoligy in WCP (plasma cannon anyone?)

The plasma cannon predates the Dragon considerably. The Thunderbolt mounted them as early as WC3.

Best, Raptor
And what about Dragon's cloak? And twin fission guns? Vampire is good, but I'd take Dragon any day.
Or, just put a cloak on a Vampire, put two fission guns instead of particles, swap trackers with Maces, beef up armor, put in some capship phase shields, sling a miniature Behemoth under it's, gone too far:)
But it would be cool to fly a mix between Vamp and Dragon, but then again, there would be no real challenge.
Originally posted by Mav23
and *especially* the WC II Rapier, what a piece of crap...

How dare you to insult my beloved Rapier from WC2? "I shall tear you apart!" ;)

Back to the original question:
I agree that the Vampire while not being a prototype is nevertheles a superfighter, whereas the Rapier from WC1 is "just" a really, really good fighter.

Since the Vampire is not for choice, I'll vote for the Dragon. She is not necessarily my favourite ship but she is IMHO the 'best' ship, combining heavy firepower with incredible defenses and speed.

Edit: Damn 'invalid session' message, I can't participate in the poll but you know my choice now.
Originally posted by Frosty
The cloak was rendered obsolete by WC:P.

And as for the fission guns, I would put much rather rely on a spead of trackers to down a manuevering enemy. Fissions are good against capships, but they are too slow firing and inaccurate to much use against a fighter.

Best, Raptor
People said that about the Devastator's plasma gun too and they were wrong. ;)

And I very rarely used the Trackers to good effect.
As always, there is much room for improvement. I'd say we haven't seen the last of cloaking technology yet.(Cloak Mk2,anyone?)
And as for fission guns, I just like the idea of all-incinerating-balls-of-azure-fire:) (and yeah,the Plasma gun is why I like Devastator so much...)
That's in a head-on shot, though, which would be hard to do with fission cannons. A Dev's plasma gun fires on demand, whereas fission would need to charge, by which time your opponent would either have broke off or seriously mauled you.

As for trackers, my favorite tactic is this: Wait till you meet a whole group of bugs who can't use decoys (eg Stingrays), fire off all four trackers, and laugh maniacally as the bugs drop like fies.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Raptor
And as for the fission guns, I would put much rather rely on a spead of trackers to down a manuevering enemy. Fissions are good against capships, but they are too slow firing and inaccurate to much use against a fighter.
Precisely. The Excalibur and Vampire are far more practical fighters than the slightly more whiz-bang Dragon.
Compared to the Excalibur I found the Dragon to be superior, even though her firepower was slightly decreased. Her improved defenses were well worth the price, IMHO.
The Vampire again is superior to the Dragon.
Originally posted by Raptor

And as for the fission guns, I would put much rather rely on a spead of trackers to down a manuevering enemy. Fissions are good against capships, but they are too slow firing and inaccurate to much use against a fighter.

which is why, you should only use them on capships. The dragon had other guns.

Dragon all the way, I couldn't pry myself away. On the otherhand , when the option of flying the excalibur came around I often chose the arrow or thunderbolt instead. Although I'm still somewhat divided between dragon and morningstar.
The Dragon is a good craft but i think the weapons arent that good. It doesn't has very much gun energy and the tachyons and the plasma have too long refire delay and the fission is only good at fighting caps. (But thats only my oppinion:) )
Fission cannons-A.K.A. The 'If you're in an Arrow and I hit you with this, then boy you suck!' cannon, lol!
I say te dragons are the best ones. *think unlimited cloak, almost unlimited afterburn, kick ass weapons, fission cannons, sleak design. I mean what more could you ask for?