Best movie quote

Whats more disturbing is when Vader tells Luke on the Empire Strikes Back Radio Drama. Brock Peters, who plays Vader, literally screams all his lines in that scene. I'll have to post a link because... it's really disturbing to hear how much farther Vader's evil influence is pushed in it.
Just to clear up those who are wondering who the F word Brock Peters is. Brock did play Vader, and was also the man servent of the guy whose wife was raped by Malcom McDowell's character Alex in A Clockwork Orange. James Earl Jones, who many probably associated Vader with, did the voice.
actually 3 people did vader. James Earl Jones, the peters guy, and the guy who played vaders head in ROTJ.
Originally posted by Phillip Tanaka
Brock did play Vader, and was also the man servent of the guy whose wife was raped by Malcom McDowell's character Alex in A Clockwork Orange.

That's David Prowse you're thinking of, silly boy.

Brock Peters is best remembered as Tom Robinson from "To Kill A Mockingbird" or (to this board anyway) Admiral Cartwright from Star Trek 4 and 6.
Originally posted by LeHah
That's David Prowse you're thinking of, silly boy.

Brock Peters is best remembered as Tom Robinson from "To Kill A Mockingbird" or (to this board anyway) Admiral Cartwright from Star Trek 4 and 6.
I'm confused; didn't you just say that Peters played Vader on radio?.... :confused:

(Notwithstanding the fact that I had no idea there was any such thing as SW "radio drama"...).
4 people did Vader. Prowse wore the suit Jones did the voice and another actor played the head, and Anakin, in Jedi. Brock Peters did the voice of Vader for the radio dramas.
Coincidentally, David Prowse spoke the lines on set and didn't know that his voice had been dubbed, in Episode 4, until he saw the finished film in the theater.:)
Originally posted by Shaggy
4 people did Vader. Prowse wore the suit Jones did the voice and another actor played the head, and Anakin, in Jedi. Brock Peters did the voice of Vader for the radio dramas.
Coincidentally, David Prowse spoke the lines on set and didn't know that his voice had been dubbed, in Episode 4, until he saw the finished film in the theater.:)
Okay, I think I got it. But for the benefit of those who might still be confused, lemme see if I got this correct:

1) Prowse = the guy in the suit
2) Jones = "the voice"
3) Some other guy = the "talking head"/Anakin in Jedi
4) Peters = "Radio Vader"

BTW, that factoid about Prowse was fascinating. Was he ticked off about that?...
David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Sebastian Shaw and Brock Peters.

Yes, Prowse was more than a little miffed about being dubbed out of the movie.
Originally posted by LeHah
David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Sebastian Shaw and Brock Peters.

Yes, Prowse was more than a little miffed about being dubbed out of the movie.

RE: Prowse's snubbing -- ah, the pathos!...
Originally posted by LeHah
Yes, Prowse was more than a little miffed about being dubbed out of the movie.

He was on one of the panels that we went to at this year's Dragon*Con. This issue actually came up during the interviews. He also told us about how he found out that he wasn't to be Vader's face. He actually heard about it from some reporter. Indeed, he seemed quite upset and hurt.
You'd think Lucas could have handled things slightly better. Honestly, why is it such a big deal to let the guy under the suit know that he's being replaced for the big scene?
On the other hand, I've also heard rumors that the face thing may have been Lucas's payback for Prowse blabbing about an RotJ plot point.
After talking with Hades and Tye, I was able to get a little more about the interview with Prowse.

Prowse had a reporter come over to the gym. They chatted a bit, and then the reporter showed him the cast list. It listed the third guy doing vader, for the face. Prowse hadn't known about it, but it kinda upset him. It was AFTER that, during the same interview, that he gave a little too much info (which was still nothing big). And when he went in for the next shoot, Lucas was a bit mad, but was understanding.
It should be noted that Prowse wasn't Vader for the majority of RotJ. He did not get along at all with the taskmaster rulings of Richard Marquand. A 'stunt double' was used but due to an actor's union and contract, Prowse was given credit.
What about the 'helmet' scene in ESB, where you glimpse how badly Vader's head is before the helmet is put on? Was that someone other than Prowse as well, or not?
Sebastian Shaw was Vader when Luke took his helmet off in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure that was David Prowse when he was receiving medical treatment in his chamber in The Empire Strikes Back.
Have you ever seen the Green Cross Code Advert from the late 70s with David Prowse as the Green Cross Code Man.

Very Funny to look at now
Originally posted by LeHah
David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Sebastian Shaw and Brock Peters.

If this is the list of people who were Vader, I'd like to make a few comments.

Brock Peters was not on any movie but, rahter, for what I've read here, on the radio drama. A lot of other actors did Vader's voice for a varietry of licensed products, but I suppose the radio dramas are "canon" so he qualifies.

Also, on the next movie, it appears that Hayden will play Vader.

The most important thing that I want to point out, however, is that Bob Anderson, the swordmaster for the SW OT movies, played Vader for a good bit of ESB, namely the duel with Luke. That's uncredited, but it did happen.

BTW, I've read here that some stuntman did Vader for some scenes on ROTJ. How interesting.
Originally posted by Delance

Also, on the next movie, it appears that Hayden will play Vader.

Do you play him in the outift?

James Earl Jones is do Vader's Voice in Epsiode III
Originally posted by Delance
Brock Peters was not on any movie but, rahter, for what I've read here, on the radio drama. A lot of other actors did Vader's voice for a varietry of licensed products, but I suppose the radio dramas are "canon" so he qualifies.

The most important thing that I want to point out, however, is that Bob Anderson, the swordmaster for the SW OT movies, played Vader for a good bit of ESB, namely the duel with Luke. That's uncredited, but it did happen

You're confusing Bob Anderson in ESB for Bob Anderson in ROTJ.

As for Brock, yes, the radio dramas are the only thing "canon" outside of the movies. The fact that he wasn't in the movies doesn't make his performance or interpreation any less effective; heck, it is better than James Earl Jones if only because the dialouge is fleshed out more.