Behold, the Holy Grail of Board Games

There were a few neat big board games at Dragoncon this year, but only a couple I'd ever consider buying. Frosty got the Doom 3 one, but we didn't see the Honor Harrington or Starship Troopers one.

One thing I can't believe we forgot to do this year was check out the massive tabletop gaming ballrooms. Man, it's super to see what those crazy people do down there.
Fantasy Flight games are noted for their complexity of games. Twilight Imperium, for example, is quite complex. But what did you think of the Doom game, Frosty? Was it fun? Worth the price? I've been thinking about getting it for a while...
Yeah, it's pretty cool. The marines will almost always win, though, and it's been hard for me to find more than one other person to play with at any time.
Doom complex?
Doom easy to win for the marines? (well ok when only playing one marine, maybe)
Are there two Doom boardgames?!? Because I'd say that rather the opposite holds true. If you are interested in Doom you might want to wait for Descent however. It is more or less a patched version of Doom in a fantasy setting. Supposed to be quite some better. Its on of the games I hope to be able to play at Essen.