
We might be looking at a flow of energy through the hole that the ships are carried along on. To go back through would be like swimming against the flow of a river.
Fishbone: I'm not sure you could close the wormhole on their side. I mean aren't the coolant towers on our side?

Bandit LOAF: If the bugs are planning to invade our space why wouldn't they make the tunnel big enough to accomodate all their warships?

AzraeL & Dak: But that defeats the purpose of the game. Fun. Can you honestly tell me that flying through the wormhole and not ending up in the bugs' homespace is more fun than getting a look at that massive fleet Dekker was talking about?
I get the impression that the gate isn't something you just fly through. Otherwise, why do they have so many ships on the OTHER side? If my gate was under attack by enemy fighters, I would fly through a thousand fighters rather than the Tiamat.

And yes, it would be fun to fly through the wormhole and see what's on the other side (assuming the WC gate 'physics' allowed that), however it could be difficult to do with the game engine, i.e. keeping track of TWO very large battles at once, switching between them, allowing other ships to travel backwards and forwards (an enemy isn't going to get off your tail just 'cos you flew through the gate) etc.
All good points. However Dekker gives the impression that the bug fleets still some distance from the wormhole. I originally intended for a cutscene, rather than continued simulation. I think we can leave fighting in enemy homespace for the sequel.
Making a bigger tunnel would require more cooling towers, Penguin. Who's to say if it's even possible? There's gotta be some sort of size limit for a gateway like that...
Why do the bugs need a size limit? If they've got the tech to build the gate in the first place why not build one able to accomodate their biggest ship? I mean we're not talking about linking some backwater to a major interstellar traveling hub. We're talking about a major transportation device. The fact that they sent a combat recon force through indicates that they were expecting some resistance. And if you're expecting resistance then you have to assume that they are at least a match for your military capabilities. Which means your gateway has to have enough leeway for you to bring to bear your whole arsenal. If Confed were to produce a wormhole would it deliberately make the wormhole too small for the Midway on the assumption that we won't need to send the Midway through to the other side? Besides we don't know the bugs have anything bigger than the Tiamat.
Maybe it consumes too much energy and other resources. so you can´t make an infinital-big wormhole gate.
It probably had to do with the actual mechanics of the device. Perhaps however they make it, the Kilrah system couldn't support a larger wormhole. Or perhaps that's just the biggest they can make the wormhole anywhere, just because that's how it works.
The gateway is not built just anywhere... it's built on top of an existing anomaly (ref: WCP). This anomaly, presumably, is something that's almost but not quite a jump point. We also know that some jump gates are smaller than others (ref: WC4). It's logical to assume, then, that something that's not quite a jump point has a smaller radius than your average jump point, and that it would take a hell of a lot of effort to not only hold it open but make it bigger.
Why not just reprogram the game?

I was so disappointed in WC3 when I found out you can't save the Behemoth from destruction, I decided to get people to reprogram the WC3 files so Behemoth could be saved and could be used to blow Kilrah clear apart.
It can be possible.....why not ????
they send only a RIF, and judging by what they can see, they can think that all our carriers are Midway class or Vesusvius class.
It would make a nice storyline twist though. We jump into their space through the captured wormhole, all set to take the battle to the bugs, only to discover that the Tiamats are their equivalent of CVEs.

"Ah, Houston, we have a problem...." :D

Best, Raptor
Speaking of which, is the Ranger a CV, CVL, or CVE? And the Tarawa is a CVE, right?...what class? And is the Midway a CVA?

Somebody call LOAF, quick! :eek::eek: