Battlestar Raiders Compared to Dralthi (February 2, 2005)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Two long-time CIC visitors, Darkstar/TCNPhil and pygmypiranha, found an interesting Wing Commander mention at the official blog site for the new Battlestar Galactica series. Ron Moore of Star Trek and BSG fame recently held a Q&A session.
I was on the sci fi channel's Battlestar Gallactica's Ron Moore's Blog page and about halfway through the article, the interviewer asks the creator/reviver of the series about the Cylon fighters that look exactly like Dralthis and was there an Wing Commander influence... which I had obviously picked up the similarity while watching the show. Apparently they have some ex-Wing Commander production team members on their set (maybe they subconsciously copped the design?).
You can find the full interview under Ron Moore's January 30 entry here.

Yeah, that's fairly Dralthi looking. Takes equally from the Wing Commander 3 and movie designs I'd say.

Original update published on February 2, 2005
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Looks like a Xenomorph head straped to Dralthi wings. (I think he actually did a better design on the wings than the existing WC 1-4 Dralthis in terms of a Kilrathi look "IE they look more like claws")
Of course, one must take into account the fact that the CYlon Raiders in the 1979 Battlestar Galactica *also* looked like Dralthi.
Bandit LOAF said:
Of course, one must take into account the fact that the CYlon Raiders in the 1979 Battlestar Galactica *also* looked like Dralthi.

So do Dralthi look like the Raiders?

And while you're at it... could you clear up the whole chicken and the egg thing for me?
Meh, I don't see the resemblance. Too much empty space in between the 'wings'. If I just saw that picture someplace, I doubt I'd be saying, "Hey! That looks just like a Dralthi!"
I only see a very basic resemblance there. That said, the "two rounded wigns with stuff between them" is pretty generic, you'll probably find something similar in most sci-fi shows.
The first thing I noticed was the Xenomorph head for a cockpit. The second thing... I don't remember, but it wasn't anything that reminded me of a Dralthi at all.