Battlestar Galactica on - WOW!

I saw episode 4 and thought it was well done. Good character interchange. However Starbuck crying in front of Adama? That is certainly whimpy. I don't like these emotional play devices in a military setting. If you have to cry you do it in the privacy of your own qtrs not in front of your BGC. Instructor fraternizing (sp) with a student that would have been grounds for a Court Martial and then admitting that she passed the student because of the emotional involvement and he was later killed. Add Manslaughter to the CM charges. Perhaps their UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) is different.
Hmmm....I can't help to see WC in this series. The uniforms look a little WC III or IVish. The Cylon ships look alot like kat pancakes. The launch and landings remind me of WC1 - WCIV.
The quarters for the flight students look somewhat like those of Starlancer.
Sometimes when I see the space combat, pilot ready room, squadron areas and flight deck I think WC and not BSG. I will continue to watch and record the series.
Matt Nelson said:
I saw episode 4 and thought it was well done. Good character interchange. However Starbuck crying in front of Adama? That is certainly whimpy.

well she had just owned up that she was pretty much responcible for her fiancé's death; coupled with the fact that it also happens to be the commanding officers son. I'd like to see anyone do that in real life with a straight face. :)

Matt Nelson said:
Add Manslaughter to the CM charges. Perhaps their UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) is different.

yeah I know where your coming from, but they are involved in somewhat unqiue circumstances.

Sometimes the show can have trouble balancing the huge cast, for example some characters will disapeer for a few espidoes. Not really a problem most of the time, but some characters are noticable by there absence in later shows.
Both Enterprise and Battlestar Galactica on friday night had carefully executed dramatic devices that made no sense. Enterprise had their twist ending about how the ship wasn't really being crewed from its bridge (which effects no one at this point in the story)... and Battlestar Galactica had obnoxious cuts to Starbuck's fighter burning up at the start of each new act (that will look stupid on DVD!).

It's funny that both of them were clearly written with the belief that the audience would go 'of course!' at the end of the episode... and neither worked. (And constantly reminding us that she ejected in some kind of star/gas giant atmosphere probably wasn't the best thing to do, given that we're an audience of nitpicky science jerks.)

I'd have to say I liked the start and the end of the show. The space battle was very well done (and Hotdog coming back to save the day pulled at the heartstrings in the proper manner)... and then the intro where the Raptor pilots were singing created a pretty cool atmosphere for the show.

Everything in between was pretty dull. I maintain that the show has a serious problem with taking its viewers for granted... and that really shined through in the flashbacks. Adama "He passed flight school like a real pilot!" **whizzzbackintime** Starbuck: "He did not pass flight school like a real pilot!" They actually immediately cut back in time and said the exact same line in the negative. They really really don't need to remind us of this, though, because we've *seen it before*. The episode should have had a b-plot about Dr. Bashir building a Daggit or something.

Battlestar Galactica is a lot like the original show -- it's entertaining, but I don't really see why everyone thinks its so great yet. I'm leaving it at #8 on my Tivo ranking dealy after this weeks episode.
dr bashir was nowhere near as interesting as the new baltar, In seven seasons of DS9 - i recall the episode in which you found out that he was genetically altered. and thats all i can remember. What ever you think of the character, he does stir up emotions and opinions. Something that cant be said for the recent iterations of star trek for example.

Its not a gas giant btw. :)
Bandit LOAF said:
Battlestar Galactica is a lot like the original show

Except in the original show, immediately after the holocaust in which almost all of humanity was exterminated they went to the Casino Planet (for one). I think the tone of the new show is a tad bit different.
Alexander Siddig the Actor who played Bashir, is Malcolm McDowell's Nephew.

I for one liked Bashir, his friendship with O'Brien made for a lot of laughs
Except in the original show, immediately after the holocaust in which almost all of humanity was exterminated they went to the Casino Planet (for one). I think the tone of the new show is a tad bit different.

Erm, you can't really remove the part where I explain in what sense it's like the original show and then say that, having cut my statement in half, I must be implying something that makes no sense.
I know, I know.

I don't know though, it just boggles my mind how someone can somehow miss all of the things that make the new Battlestar Galactica special and remarkable... and then put it on the same level as another mediocre episode of Star Trek.
I know, I know.

I don't know though, it just boggles my mind how someone can somehow miss all of the things that make the new Battlestar Galactica special and remarkable... and then put it on the same level as another mediocre episode of Star Trek.

I didn't really put them at the same level, either -- I just said it was funny that they both made similar mistakes on the same night.
TopGun said:
I caught some of SG-1 today
Although rare on the show, they had an excellent space combat scene. The Promethius is my new favorite ship. It was too bad we didn't get to see it at it's best- with full battle stations. Oh well, it did a great job fending off the gliders even with an incompetent commander without access to all systems at the helm.
Bandit LOAF r.e. BSG said:
The space battle was very well done (and Hotdog coming back to save the day pulled at the heartstrings in the proper manner)
I agree. It was a pure dogfight (fighters vs. fighters) in space- something that's rarely seen. I thought Hot Dog was gonna be toast, but it was pretty cool that they let him live. I like how they chose average looking people for the replacement pilots- they prob. did it to make them look more ragtag, but I think it also serves to add realism. Better to have some real looking people than "supermodels in space". I thought that having all the fighter pilots die by a freak accident in which a missile happened to fall and hit them directly during a celebration was a little too contrived. Have them die in a massive battle defending the Galactica (that would be alot more interesting as well as believable) or from poisoning by a cylon (believably increasing drama, sense of tradgedy, hatred of the cylons, and the desparation of their situation). Actually, it might have been interesting to show them on some type of peaceful op. where a sleeper cylon in a Raptor turned and fired on his own wingmen. I noticed they seem to have a killboard, I was straining to see if I could read any tallies, but couldn't. That would be cool if they showed the various kills at some point in the show.
Ronald Moore BLOG

Hey guys,

Thought you guys might want to know... Moore was asked about Wing Commander in his latest question/answer session:

QUESTION: "I was watching Wing Commander last night with my wife and she made a comment that the Kilrathi fighter looked pretty similar to the Cylon Raider. I know that some of the production staff from Wing Commander went on to begin production on the DeSanto continuation, but is there in fact any sort of link here? I mean I first thought Droid Fighter from Star Wars: Episode One, but that seems to be some kind of common design going on. "

ANSWER: "Wing Commander" is frequently mentioned to me as a possible influence on the show, but I've never actually seen it. While it's possible that other members of the production team were influenced by it, it wasn't something that figured into my thinking. My own design influences were things like "Das Boot" "Blade Runner" "Alien/Aliens" and a stack of documentaries on the modern and history US and Royal Navies.

You can check out the full BLOG here
In all fairness to Battlestar Galactica, Wing Commander probably wasn't an influence... Cylon raiders looked like Dralthi long before Dralthi did. :)
Spien said:
My biggest complaint by far is the Docu-style camera work. I find the shakey battle scene cameras to just be distracting. It doesn't make me feel like I'm there, it makes me feel like I'm watching film taken from some amature photographer's camera.

Yeah, i can see where you are coming from on that... But what I really like is the "zoom" on that camera.... Dude... the possibilities with such a lens...

But the computer graphics designing for all the space-shots are awesome. I thought Star Trek Voyager had done some good ones (Wing Commander the Movie was also impressive). When I first heard that Galactica was coming out, I was hoping it wouldn't be a low-funded series like "Andromada" (err, i think i mispelled it...) anywho, I must say that graphically i love Galactica and that the camera, yeah.. I personally think its nice...
I'm trying to watch the new Battlestar Galactica but the story isn't just drawing me in.

If you ask me, they should have ditched the 1980 BSG thing and put it in the non-canon pile and made a series about the Galactica a hundred years later or something.

The voice actor of the English-language Inuyasha was on Stargate Atlantis last week... bizarre feeling, eh?
I agree, Ghostcloack! The imprecision and zoom-usage with the camera is an interesting cinematography choice. It makes the space scenes more realistic and believable, and breaks up the talking faces a bit. That, with other things like a sedate and unobtrusive music track, really separate Galactica from the standard overly dramatic space opera we're so used to, and make the show feel a lot more realistic (I think).
Well the zoom is easy to implement...but an interesting choice for combat. I don't know, I never really felt it was all that effective. The actual quality of the combat CGI itself is what impresses me.
Moore was also asked in his blog thing if he realized the similarites between Bashir and Baltar and he said he didn't but now he's freaked out by it. :)

Anyway I think the show is really getting better with each passing episode, I really had a good time during Episode 4, especially the scenes with the "nuggets." Random trivia, Hotdog is actually Edward James Olmos' son... so in a sense he's the "real" Apollo.

Ratings are up another 8% this week as well.
I really like the show so far. That hour sure goes by in a hurry. By the way, I got distracted for about 10 seconds right in the middle of the dog fight and didn't get to see if Hot Dog got any kills. Did he bag any Cylons, or did Starbuck get all eight?