Atmospheric flight?


For lack of a better place to put it, I'll put it here...

For some later version, could we have atmospheric flight?

I'm thinking it would be rather fun to have, say...bombing missions.:)
Earlier versions of Vegastrike had buggy terrain when you flew into a planet, and a better implementation may return someday. Not sure how seamless atmospheric flight would work with the currently rather small planets, it would need to 'load' the level somehow. It would be a lot easier with larger planets as in Vegastrike, and your question is discussed pretty often on Vegastrike's boards.
If I had my way for WCU I'd bring back the bigger planets too, I mean -- WC3 and WC4 had them, and that's where you have atmo missions.

(er, may I do that?)
I thought originally that for WCU I'd increase the size of the gemini systems instead of shrinking everything else :)

So yeah, go for it and see how it works.
Atmospheric flight. Wing Commander meets Elite 2. Forget Nephilim, we have Thargoids! LOL!

Joking aside, many of the WC ships look well suited for atmopheric, Cents, Talons, T-bolts, Hellcats, Stilettos, and some Kilrathi ships especially.
SixGun said:
Atmospheric flight. Wing Commander meets Elite 2. Forget Nephilim, we have Thargoids! LOL!

Joking aside, many of the WC ships look well suited for atmopheric, Cents, Talons, T-bolts, Hellcats, Stilettos, and some Kilrathi ships especially.

Precisely why I ask. Keep in mind, part of it is "design heritage". Obviously, the original human spacecraft did have to play in the atmosphere, and thus Human craft look a lot like airplanes. (Barring the Tarsus and Drayman and the Paradigm, which look like boxes, or just plain odd (Paradigm).)

Kitty craft, meanwhile, look like claws and look very jagged.

(I remember that WC3's manual had a very neat explanation of all this.)

Meanwhile, *where* is Firekka? I wanna play with da birdies!:-P
spiritplumber said:

Spirit, may I request that the polygon count get a boost, too? Also, a thin halo around planets would do a lot for the perception of an atmosphere being there. This could be done simply by placing a billboard centered behind the planet that always faces the camera, and has a (blue, say) circle that alpha-blends to transparency. The circle would be bright on one side, dark on the other, and always rotated so that the brightest spot along the periphery points to the nearest star.
dan_w said:
Spirit, may I request that the polygon count get a boost, too?
Check your vegastrike.config. There are several instances of <var name="planet_detail", one for each detail level. Find the one corresponding to the level of detrail you are using and increase the number (must be a power of 2)
Oh, I mean I'm happy to add a "Wing Commander Universe" forum here alongside the PrivRemake one... we've got the forums for all the other mods (this one, Saga, Standoff, Reckoning, etc.).
Please do! It'd make life a ton and a half easier, so I can put a big ol' todo file there and people can add to it.

I'm kinda taking a break right now (school stuff, + I want to know exactrly what I am doing before I plunge back into it).