
Originally posted by Quarto
I don't think anybody's ever tried any sort of editing with multiplayer, Corsair. My guess would be that it would depend on whether both (or, in the case of PG, all) players have the patch. If only one player has the patch, this would create a very peculiar anomaly, or it would simply crash. I mean, imagine if your computer is convinced that you're flying an Excal with a top speed of 520, while the enemy's computer thinks you're flying a Banshee with a top speed of 350... how would Armada react? However, if all the involved players use the same patch, then there should be no problem at all. As for the non-existent hi-res patch on the other hand, this patch would not influence gameplay in any way, and therefore it would not affect multi-player at all.

My guess is that the game would check the actual ship stats files between the players' computers, as to prevent cheating... but if it's only a graphical change, like a texture file or a model file only, the game would probably not check it and allow the MP session to being... so one of the players would simply see something different from what the other player sees.

It's what happens in XWA and a few other games I used to edit... (not just space combat games, but games from all kinds of genres) So it's the method which seems more logical to me, even though I've never messed with any DOS game and have no idea if they tend to work this way or not.

Armada came at a time when multiplayer spacesims didn't exist (the only one I can think of that came before Armada was a tiny but extremely neat game called Netwars, which was made by Novell, of all people). And it came at a time when WC-editing by fans was in very early stages. Thus, it is entirely possible that the programmers never really considered the possibility of cheating like that.

However, when an Armada game gets out of sync, it jumps back out to the menu. Naturally, in a situation where one computer thinks you're going at 520 KPS and the other thinks you're going at 350 KPS, there can be no possibility of sync... so I guess that explains what would happen. Not a form of cheat-prevention, but the end result is the same.

...But yes, if the ship's change was only graphical, it would probably work normally.
Originally posted by Quarto
However, when an Armada game gets out of sync, it jumps back out to the menu. Naturally, in a situation where one computer thinks you're going at 520 KPS and the other thinks you're going at 350 KPS, there can be no possibility of sync... so I guess that explains what would happen. Not a form of cheat-prevention, but the end result is the same.

Well, I guess it can be considered a form of cheat-prevention, then :p

I have hacked Armada and installed the excalibur.... it ran fine, but I never tried it in a network game... it doesn't mind it in hotseat... so i'd say patch both games, and have fun BTW my excal I hacked had a cloakdevice, which the game handled fine
Ack, I keep forgetting about checking the room stuff for ya, Eder :p. Must remember to do that tomorrow... err, I guess that's today.

And Corsair, sorry to disappoint you, but it's highly unlikely. Of course, you never know with HCl...
Oh, yeah, please check that for me, Q.
As soon as I get myself a new CIC room, all I need are some more ships, some missions, and some weapon editing (THE OLD PARTICLE CANNON WILL BE BACK WITH A VENGEANCE! :p)... then I'll have a 3D version of WCA :D
