I had a genuine “eureka!” moment about this tonight.
First of all: Quarto, that is exactly what I’ve been running through my head this past week. There are some not-insignificant reasons that it’s very appealing. Chief among them is the idea that if the missions on the Tiger’s Claw are flown by LaFong instead of Blair (as written) then 2654 makes a lot more sense. Blair can be off the Tiger’s Claw for the Pilgrim novels with no consequences, and his personal narrative is much less ‘small universe’: he’s the noted hero in 2654 because he saves Earth in the movie and leads the charge at Dolos… and you have a different hero pilot who ends the Venice campaign, destroys the Sivar, etc. And it would benefit greatly by clarifying once and for all that the details of the ‘Academy’ section of the book refer to someone other than Blair. (And the same is true of many references to LaFong’s background that we do not know whether or not to apply to Blair.)
Wing Commander II didn’t even seem problematic at first, as you note. VERY little is carried over between Wing Commander 2 and 3 (friendship with Hobbes, relationship with Angel, tension with Tolwyn) and so in broad strokes you could assign it to someone else and have Hamill’s Blair go into WC3 differently. But you get into trouble, as you note, with the Prophecy background (which mentions the events of Wing Commander II explicitly) and even moreso with the material added to the Wing Commander II manual for Kilrathi Saga — notes to Blair from wingmen about his exile, his paycheck for the holovid about his life, etc.
So, a fun exercise but not something that really holds up. Unless…
… and this is where I’m very proud of myself tonight. What if we separate the Wing Commander II section of the book from the Wing Commander I and Academy ones? It’s a separate part of the book just like the clearly out-of-universe Making Of book… it could be an entirely separate document, and more specifically BLAIR’s memoir of the events of Wing Commander II. The cut is so clean: the description of the last patrol off the Tiger’s Claw starts the new section, so everything that HAS to be Blair can be (the Prophecy guide doesn’t mention anything beyond that Blair was there for WC1.)
That’s insane!, you say, they call him the wrong name throughout! And here’s the amazing thing: it DOESN’T! The Wing Commander II section was written very differently then the lazily expanding narrative for the WC1 missions, letting players see the story themselves in the game… so there’s not much by the way of conversations or additional details. It’s all first person and he’s never called Carl or LaFong!
The trouble that remains is minor:
- He’s called ‘Prankster’ by three characters: once by Paladin ("I think Maniac's already lived his down, Prankster”) once aboard the Austin ("Prankster, where's your flight-data recorder?”) and several times by a bed-ridden, crazed Maniac.
- LaFong’s intro mentions being the ‘Traitor of K’Tithrak Mang’ and alludes to the events of Wing Commander II. But as already figured out here, that’s NOT Blair’s actual nickname, so it’s easy to assume that LaFong might be another survivor similarly treated (but without the comeback story.)
It’s a retcon, yes, but damn if it doesn’t somewhat cleanly solve one of Wing Commander’s oldest, most confusing issues!